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Recent content by BigB

  1. DIY ReefRotor?

    I'm trying to make a similar circulation return!!! I'll post here how it goes! (90-180 degree rotation)
  2. Homemade Sea Swirls

    Cool.. I'll go to home depot today and see.. Thanks for replying.. I really appreciate it.
  3. Homemade Sea Swirls

    Any Ideas? Please?
  4. Homemade Sea Swirls

    I would like to build my own sea swirls. Does anyone have any links, or DIY ideas? It really can't be that hard to design a 90 degree rotating head. Any help? The reason for this is the 1" sea swirl isn't big enough to handle 2400 gph. I would like to build a 1 1/4 - 2" version of the sea...
  5. Closed Loop with Sea Swirl 1" Aquarium Currents - Any G

    I emailed sea swirl to see what they say. Thanks for your help - I hope they will build a 1 1/4" or 1 1/2" model. So - I guess no little filter?
  6. Closed Loop with Sea Swirl 1" Aquarium Currents - Any G

    <blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by jamesw: <strong>The inline sediment filter would get plugged in about...oh...one nanosecond. Ask Minh about the screens he uses for his closed loop setup. Cheers James (formerly from...
  7. Closed Loop with Sea Swirl 1" Aquarium Currents - Any G

    I didn't think I needed the filter, but I've always got fine air bubbles, and particles floating in my water that the sump generates. That's another problem, but I thought the filter would catch a lot of junk... I'll look at the Mag 12 - maybe two opposite would be best! Thanks!!!
  8. Closed Loop with Sea Swirl 1" Aquarium Currents - Any G

    C'mon guys - I don't know you, but can you help? I'd like to do this closed loop system, but I want to make sure I am getting the right stuff. I don't think I can afford that Sea Swirl right now, but I can at least get the pump, and the "Big Blue" filter - if you guys think it would help *I...
  9. Closed Loop with Sea Swirl 1" Aquarium Currents - Any G

    <blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by newreefman1: <strong>Dont know B but just wanted say Hi. Fellow SD reefer here. </strong><hr></blockquote> Right on!! I'm in Linda Vista - I wonder if I've seen you over at scripps pier...
  10. Closed Loop with Sea Swirl 1" Aquarium Currents - Any G

    This is the Mag Drive I was looking at. MAG-DRIVE 24 POND AND UTILITY PUMP(2400GPH) I think its more like 2400 GPH and that is fine too. I think once I put one of these inline, it will just push as hard as it can - probably more like 1500-2000 GPH after the filter and sea swirl thing...
  11. Closed Loop with Sea Swirl 1" Aquarium Currents - Any G

    I really like this product, but its kinda pricey. I want to run a closed loop through this in my tank with about 1200 GPH through 1" Tubing / Pipe. Anyone have any suggestions? Can 1" flow more than that? Which Pump? Is the Mag Drive any good? Will a regular 1 1/4" screen be okay for intake...
  12. Leopard Shark Care...

    I'm bummed... He didn't make it.. Its 1:05PM and he's gone... After spending 6+ hours trying to keep him alive, I'm pretty bummed.. I thought I could do it.. Now I know how Doctors Feel when they lose a patient.. Bummer.. Thanks for all your help..
  13. Leopard Shark Care...

    Hey Dave - I can't thank you enough.. HE MADE IT THROUGHT THE NIGHT!!!! ITS 12 NOON!!! His body doesn't seem as stiff anymore, although he's still not swimming. He's breathing pretty quick, and I gotta keep chasing the little hermit crabs off him, but he's doing OK.. I've found that holding...
  14. Leopard Shark Care...

    OK Guys, I really need your help here.. I was fishing at the pier today, and the guy next to me caught a leopard shark about 6" He ripped the hook out, and threw it in the trash.. I yelled at him, and now I'm trying to save its life.. I took him home, and put him in my tank - he was...
  15. Building a HUGE 600+ Gallon Aquarium

    What's that mean?
