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I would like to build my own sea swirls.

Does anyone have any links, or DIY ideas?

It really can't be that hard to design a 90 degree rotating head.

Any help?

The reason for this is the 1" sea swirl isn't big enough to handle 2400 gph.

I would like to build a 1 1/4 - 2" version of the sea swirl, and would like your help. I've seen a lot of the tanks here, and I'm really impressed with the plumbing.

Any help?

I really don't think I need to go overboard, but I am planning on running a closed loop system with either one large homemade sea swirl, or 2 smaller sea swirls that will oppose eachother.

Any ideas? I know I'm not the only one that doesn't want to spend $200 bucks if I can make one at home depot for $20.

I've been looking at sprinkler designs, commercial units, and other stuff.

I also really like the idea of having one input pump, and two outputs that alternate.

Any input is appreciated. If you've tried this, and it didn't work - I'd still like to hear about it.

If I can make a "Sea Swirl" for less than $100, I'll make a bunch!

[ November 22, 2001: Message edited by: BigB ]</p>


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I don't know how many gph it will produce but I have heard and seen some rotating devises made from lawn sprinker heads from home depot. You can buy the head and any nosel you want, such as a 90 degree, 45 degree, etc. etc.


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Cool.. I'll go to home depot today and see..

Thanks for replying.. I really appreciate it.

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