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OK Guys, I really need your help here..

I was fishing at the pier today, and the guy next to me caught a leopard shark about 6"

He ripped the hook out, and threw it in the trash..

I yelled at him, and now I'm trying to save its life..

I took him home, and put him in my tank - he was extremely stiff... He is still stiff about 4 hours later, and I've been "Swimming" him, and keeping water in his gills.

I took everything out of the tank, and he's still not swimming.. Its 1:08AM and I'm afraid to go to sleep, because I don't want him to die, and "Swimming" him is helping.. Every once in a while, he gets enough energy to TRY to swim, but he's still really stiff..

I am hoping it will make it through the night, but there will be SEVERAL more questions, as time goes by.

He's a baby, and will be OK in my 125 Alone until I can get a bigger tank.

Any experience, and help is GREATLY appreciated!!


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Leopard sharks like colder water than the average reef tank. Not a whole lot colder, but just a bit. They are also fairly sedentary and the old myth about sharks drowning if they stop swimming is just that, a myth. They will often spend time sitting on the bottom and just hanging out. As far as it being stiff, how long did it sit in the garbage for? Sharks can typically survive for long periods of time out of the water, as can most fish, but if it dries out too much, it will probably die. It's not that much different from a person suffering from extreme dehydration, it causes the internal organs to shut down and hemmorhage eventually, and also, don't forget that the sharks body is losing significant amounts of oxygen due to its gills being dried out. You may want to just leave the shark alone and watch to make sure it's breathing. When it actually starts to swim around it is more likely because it is convulsing a bit versus getting more energy to move around. Keep your tank temperature cooler, anywhere from 68-74, and oxygenate your water with a venturi or an airstone. That's the best way to help it recover.

By the way, I would be concerned about the fact that it's only 6" long. I believe that most leopard sharks are slightly larger than that at birth, and they grow fairly quickly, and if I remember correctly, their whelping season is past, so the one he caught is probably a runt and probably would not have made it long term.

Other than the advice to leave the shark alone as you are probably stressing it by picking it up and moving it around, I would offer it some food (shrimp and squid and fish are good foods for it) if it seems to be breathing alright. If it takes it, that's a good sign, although you don't want to feed it much, just a tiny tiny piece until it recovers some more.


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Hey Dave - I can't thank you enough..


His body doesn't seem as stiff anymore, although he's still not swimming.

He's breathing pretty quick, and I gotta keep chasing the little hermit crabs off him, but he's doing OK..

I've found that holding him about 12" from a powerhead to force water and oxygen in his gills helps him to "Wake Up"

I've left him alone since I read this, so all I can do is cross my fingers...

He DID stop breathing for a while this morning, but the powerhead helped..

As for the 6" thing - I think he's more like 9" or so.. I didn't measure...

I'm headed to the pet shop to trade in my 3 Foot Green Morey, and 8" Miniata (Currently in a Bucket) and I'm gonna see if I can trade for a cat shark, or something that may get him moving!

[ November 08, 2001: Message edited by: BigB ]</p>


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My hat is off to you for trying to save this animal. When I saw the subject line of your post, I thought, "oh no some other person bought a shark, ugh..." but I was heartened that you stepped up and spoke out and now you're trying to help this creature.

I've got nothing to offer but positive thoughts and a bit o' prayer for your success!

Good luck, and I'll follow the thread with interest!



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I'm bummed... He didn't make it.. Its 1:05PM and he's gone...

After spending 6+ hours trying to keep him alive, I'm pretty bummed.. I thought I could do it..

Now I know how Doctors Feel when they lose a patient..


Thanks for all your help..

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