- Location
- Forked River, New Jersey
then y ask if you dont wanna do anything sugjested? im confused.. do really want help or just looking for a colaberation of ideas?
I have had 100% results with Caribbean Peppermint shrimp...order them from Reeftopia.com http://reeftopia.com/Shrimp216.htmlI've been fighting this for some time now using just about everything mention here earlier with no result for the exception berghias . i was really hoping that this was the one. i hope you find a solution cause i could really use it.
aptaisa breeder should be my new name
Do you REALLY ?...it only took 66 replies!!!! :smash:Okay, got it
I ain't lettin you know Sh^&*,,,lol..
sorry didnt read through the whole thread so i dont know if someone suggested this but it works 100% of the times ive done it. Take a syringe and inject component 1 (alkalinity) of b ionic into the apatasia... instantly kills them and is easy on the tank.
ok, ill just get on my own.. atleast I dont have an aptasia problem.. and besides when i ask for help i usually try some ideas before i shoot them all down bc im too lazy to attempt any of the fixes..:thanks:
next time before u ask a question maybe you should :google: it first.. bc your gonna get the same respones from us... nothing!
something to ponder:scratch:
so there!