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Mainland Aquatics
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gotcha.. i never heard abt pep shrimp eating sps.. thats news to me..but think there were some good ideas given and you shoot them down quick.. and then when dom was brought up abt swaping rock u dont wanna get the rock bc ur "lazy" but u gotta get the rock either way.. i dont know just seems craaaazy man..lol ur just looking for that break thru new idea arent u? lol


Saltwater since 1973
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I've been fighting this for some time now using just about everything mention here earlier with no result for the exception berghias . i was really hoping that this was the one. i hope you find a solution cause i could really use it.
aptaisa breeder should be my new name
I have had 100% results with Caribbean Peppermint shrimp...order them from Reeftopia.com http://reeftopia.com/Shrimp216.html


Bob 1000

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Staten Island
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I can't do the Dom thing because if you look at my tank thread it's on my drains which are covered in rock and would require me to move a lot of rock (about 100lbs) that's leaning on it..
I might have to try some peppermints if the hot water doesn't work or the lemon juice, but which one now?? Is the caribbean the florida ones or what??


Advanced Reefer
westchester ny
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sorry didnt read through the whole thread so i dont know if someone suggested this but it works 100% of the times ive done it. Take a syringe and inject component 1 (alkalinity) of b ionic into the apatasia... instantly kills them and is easy on the tank.


Official Lurker
New York
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:sad2: I guess my sure fire method wasn't put into motion. Last time I offer insider secrets. Your on your own there buddy. Have fun battling the devil :sgrin: :lol2:
Last edited:


Mainland Aquatics
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I ain't lettin you know Sh^&*,,,lol..

ok, ill just get on my own.. atleast I dont have an aptasia problem.. and besides when i ask for help i usually try some ideas before i shoot them all down bc im too lazy to attempt any of the fixes..:thanks:

next time before u ask a question maybe you should :google: it first.. bc your gonna get the same respones from us... nothing!:eek:

something to ponder:scratch:

so there!:eek:


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sorry didnt read through the whole thread so i dont know if someone suggested this but it works 100% of the times ive done it. Take a syringe and inject component 1 (alkalinity) of b ionic into the apatasia... instantly kills them and is easy on the tank.

i tried this and after a couple of weeks i had a whole bunch on new little ones. i think they may release their eggs if they feel threatened. Do you inject the alk into the stem?


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i also bought some of the berghia nudis at the swap...have not seen them since ( so i do not know if they are still alive ) and have not seen a decrease in the aipastia.


Advanced Reefer
westchester ny
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idk why the hell ud put lemon juice in ur tank lol. it seems counter productive to keeping an alkaline environment. I've heard about the shrimp thing and peppermint shrimp might eat really small apatasia but ive never seen them eat them ever, and ive kept them in 4 different tanks that all had apatasia at one point or another. I think that shrimp thing is like fish eating flatworms, it might happen once and a while and it might help control the problem to some extent (although ive never seen it work) but its not gonna solve the problem. Ive also heard that copperbanded butterflies eat apatasia, but i tried it and they didnt, they just nipped my corals and gave all my other fish ick. Trust me man the b ionic injection works, it flat out kills them no if ands or buts. The only side effect from it is adding some essential trace elements and boosting the alk. Its such a small amount thats necessary that the sides are negligable, but in no way at all are they even possibly detrimental to ur systems health. leave the snake oil for the next guy and do what i said if u want to get rid of the apatasia.

Bob 1000

Advanced Reefer
Staten Island
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ok, ill just get on my own.. atleast I dont have an aptasia problem.. and besides when i ask for help i usually try some ideas before i shoot them all down bc im too lazy to attempt any of the fixes..:thanks:

next time before u ask a question maybe you should :google: it first.. bc your gonna get the same respones from us... nothing!:eek:

something to ponder:scratch:

so there!:eek:


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