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New York
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As you guys realize. What works for one person, may not work for another. That's just how it is.

As far as Aptasia, a friend of mind, tried Joe's juice and a cheaper technique is plain cheap white vinegar. Both worked well, but Vinegar is much cheaper. You squirt it with a syringe needle ( not sharp ) with water pumps stopped.

Sometimes, it can take more than one application to work.

Also, it is hit or miss with peppermint shrimp. Another solution, is the bristle file fish. Again, hit or miss. Meaning, if they work, they do a great job, if they don't, oh well.
However, the peppermint shrimp and file fish work better on smaller Aptasia. Not some that are huge. For that solution, keep trying the Vinigar.

Another option, is to burn them.

So it seems, that vinegar works well, and for tough ones, more than one application may be needed. However, remember, you have to try to get all of the aptasiain a tank. Just doing one Aptasia, if there are other's left means they can still spread.

Good luck.
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1 was large on a rock that supported part of my scape as well. i tried injecting him a bunch of times

he always gets food somehow and kept getting bigger. i would just suction near him to piss him off and food would come out of him...he was killing my zoas like crazy so i had no choice but to cut him...i sucked up what was cuz then i kept using the suction and it sucked out the rest of him from the rock. it took like 20 suctions to get the rest out till it released.
Everytime you are pissing it off you are just making it release planula (larvae).. Not a wise thing to do!.. get to know your enemy first


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Well guys tried the nudies and that didnt work I think they where $40 fish food or something.. Tried the Alk in a syring worked on the ones I could get to but still have others that I cant get to. So now I just put in 6 in total pepermint shrimp so I got my fingers crossed and hope they do the trick cause Im running out of options and I am NOT ripping my tank apart and taking out the live rock to get them cause then I may as well give it up cause I have to many things (frags) glued to all the rocks..
Wish the shrimp luck!!!!


north jersey
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just tried paul b.'s zapper last night. awesome....fun to watch it "boiled" and disintegrated them sob's....both majano and aiptasia. the long tube and angled neck work perfectly in a deep tank.....i could never reach them by any other means. great invention....two fins up!!!! thank you mr. b.


Advanced Reefer
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Hey paul b how do I get a chance to play with that zapper? cause as it looks right now the peppermint shrimp arent working or maybe might take a few weeks to get started......lol

Paul B

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Here is my newest model. The shrink tubing is just for looks to hide the solder joints inside the tube.
I love zapping these things



Experienced Reefer
nassau county
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I use aptasia-x and they always come back eventually even if its 2 months later. I bought 2 pepperment shrimp to battle them and they ate a few then decided they like fish food better.The shrimp ate my Acans as well so they are no good. Be very careful if you go the shrimp route if you have corals you care about!! I think the only way to really permantly remove them is to boil your rocks TBH and im not willing to do that so ill stick to juicing them every couple months lol


Advanced Reefer
New York
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Paul B.

In my reef tank, I frequently have to weed my coral garden. Certain corals such as brown polyps ( not aptasia ) grow where I do not want them. So I was wondering if you can perform this test. Depending on the results, I would like to know price and availability of your product.

Can your product kill the following, without killing corals around them:

I have the following pests ( that take frequent weeding ).
- Sponges growing near SPS.
- Brown polyps growing near my chalices.
- Way too many small white feather dusters.

So my question, is if " I zapped them with your zapper, as long as I don't touch the "wanted corals" will your zapper cause damage to the "good corals", while killing the bad corals that were zapped. In essence, these bad corals, are just corals growing where I don't want them and also come back.

PS. From your picture, is your product powered from an electrical plug or battery. Also, is it correct that I don't have to worry about getting your product wet in my tank.

Can you confirm, that using your product to zap a specific coral, does not do damage to corals near it, as long as the other corals are not zapped.

Thank you,
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Paul B

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Larry, here is one review I received from someone with one of my Zappers.

__________________Works just like in the video.Nice work Paul.I'm able to zap mojanos that are right in the middle of a zoa colony without touching any zoas.Also works on unwanted zoas and mushrooms.Has a long reach so you can get into tight spots.I'm very happy with the zapper.

You can take that for what it's worth. It will only kill what it touches and you have to push the button. If you touch a good coral, nothing will happen unless you push the button.
It is designed to kill mojanos and aiptasia, thats all I used it on but people are telling me they are using it on all sorts of things.
It does put some hydrogen and a small amount of chlorine in the water but so far out of the 40 or so that I built, no one has reported a problem. It is a new device, only a few weeks old but so far there have been no complaints.
I really never wanted to be in the mojano zapping business but I built it for my tank. So many people asked me for one that I built a bunch.
You can try one if you like but I really don't want to be responsible for anything else in your tank and I don't want to say that I guarantee anything else in your tank, I can only go by what people have told me and my own personal experiences. It has been used in my tank for hours as I test each one of them in there.
Have a great day.


north jersey
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hey seldin,
i have one of paul b.'s zapper. i have used it on aiptasia, majano and brown polyps. it's only been about a week but i've not seen any of them coming back. i got carried away and accidentally zapped my monti confusa while "boiling" the majano. it does take a while (like 5-10 seconds burst) to melt the majano. when the probe tip touch the monti, i had the deadman switch pressed for perhaps 1-2 seconds....didn't see any problem there and it's been several days now. so i would say if you don't jab and really boil them intentionally, you shouldn't have any problems.

Paul B.

In my reef tank, I frequently have to weed my coral garden. Certain corals such as brown polyps ( not aptasia ) grow where I do not want them. So I was wondering if you can perform this test. Depending on the results, I would like to know price and availability of your product.

Can your product kill the following, without killing corals around them:

I have the following pests ( that take frequent weeding ).
- Sponges growing near SPS.
- Brown polyps growing near my chalices.
- Way too many small white feather dusters.

So my question, is if " I zapped them with your zapper, as long as I don't touch the "wanted corals" will your zapper cause damage to the "good corals", while killing the bad corals that were zapped. In essence, these bad corals, are just corals growing where I don't want them and also come back.

PS. From your picture, is your product powered from an electrical plug or battery. Also, is it correct that I don't have to worry about getting your product wet in my tank.

Can you confirm, that using your product to zap a specific coral, does not do damage to corals near it, as long as the other corals are not zapped.

Thank you,


Experienced Reefer
nassau county
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Larry, here is one review I received from someone with one of my Zappers.

You can take that for what it's worth. It will only kill what it touches and you have to push the button. If you touch a good coral, nothing will happen unless you push the button.
It is designed to kill mojanos and aiptasia, thats all I used it on but people are telling me they are using it on all sorts of things.
It does put some hydrogen and a small amount of chlorine in the water but so far out of the 40 or so that I built, no one has reported a problem. It is a new device, only a few weeks old but so far there have been no complaints.
I really never wanted to be in the mojano zapping business but I built it for my tank. So many people asked me for one that I built a bunch.
You can try one if you like but I really don't want to be responsible for anything else in your tank and I don't want to say that I guarantee anything else in your tank, I can only go by what people have told me and my own personal experiences. It has been used in my tank for hours as I test each one of them in there.
Have a great day.

hey paul whats the science behind that gadget if you dont mind me asking?looks and sounds pretty cool but why would it leech chlorine and hydrogen in the water?It seems that its just heat no?thanks :)

victor escobar

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I have a way of destroying aiptaisa, it is very easy if you have al elegance coral.

Only by touching the aiptasia with the catalaphyllia for a while the aiptasia will die.

Paul B

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hey paul whats the science behind that gadget if you dont mind me asking?looks and sounds pretty cool but why would it leech chlorine and hydrogen in the water?It seems that its just heat no?thanks :)

If you pass electricity through fresh water you get hydrogen and oxygen, in salt water you get hydrogen and Chlorine. There is no heat involved.
The chlorine comes from the graphite electrode and the hydrogen comes from the stainless steel tip. I always felt the chlorine came from the tip and that was what was oxidizing the mojano but there are chemistry wizzards that tell me that it is the hydrogen that is doing the work, they know more about chemistry than me, so for now I will go with that. If I find out differently, I wil post it but whatever it is, it kills and disintegrates the mojano. I have not found the gasses that enter the water to harm anything and even if the gas bubbles touch something, nothing happens. It has to be in contact with the stainless steel needle to hurt them.
You have to stick a mojano maybe ten times to completely destroy it.

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