The electrode is emitting chlorine, big time. I found a cheap way to make Clorox.
I tried it for a minute in a small volume of water and smelled it, it almost burned my nose off. This is the substance that is oxidizing the mojanos.
I replaced one of the stainless stel electrides with carbon because the stainless steel on the side that does not produce the gas corrodes very fast. The carbon seems to last forever.
now all you have to do is make a detachable extension for it
The thing is 24" long and it can all be submerged, even the wiring can be submerged so it will reack about 3' deep. The top of the tube is sealed. They can be made as long as needed but them the shallow mojanos would be hard to reach. One of my models has a plug on the wire going to the tube so a longer or shorter probe could be attached.
I have the two of them lent out and I don't have a spare but I have enough materials to build a few more if I get some time, which I don't think will happen soon
I wanna try this on my wife, she doesnt cook. Im thinking 1-2 pokes with this bad boy and she whips out a sammich for sure!!
Cool stuff Paul!
This is the completed Zappers
Looks so much more cleaner then mine.. :lol2: