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New Hampshire
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Would someone be willing to build me one of these things and I'll pay you for it??? I have a 150 gal reef/ fish tank that has over 200 lbs of rock that is loaded with mojanos and they are multiplying lke crazy, my tank is 29" deep. If anyone is interested please pm me

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Paul B

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Robbous, I have two of them and I "may" make a dozen if I get time but the reason I don't really want to build these things is that they would have to sell for close to $100.00. The parts are about $25.00 or so and it takes a couple of hours to build them one at a time. If I make 12 of them at the same time they would be cheaper.
I am sure people on here can build them cheap you just need some time.


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Sir, you don't mind if I take your idea and built one for myself and other in this forum?

Robbous, if Paul gives me his permission, I will start to mass production of these things for cheap price that cover the material and 1 hour of my time. I will put an imprint on the device with Paul_B name on it (mass production = 10 a week from my shop :)) since Paul is a father of this gizmo
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Advanced Reefer
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I just got message from forum MOD that warn me I can not sell these item without a vendor. I DO NOT WANT TO SELL NOR BECOME A VENDOR SINCE I ONLY BUILT THIS FOR MY OWN USE. I will built it for you with you supply/pay for the material.

Mod please let me know if I am violate the rule here and how to correct it. I do not intend at any reason to make profit on this built.

I just talk to MOD and I was advised to keep these nonprofit built under DIY. forum. I will post my step by step on how to make this in help everyone to built one. Perhalf, the Mojano Zapper founder can charm in with help as well.
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Paul B

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Im sure this would work on anything in your tank. The chlorine is killer.

Actually I thought that also but hydrogen is emitted from the stainles steel electrode.
I just ordered enough supplies to built a few more, but I am not selling them.
I may lend some more out.
I just lent one to someone to kill mushrooms that are all over her tank. I have not heard back yet how that worked out as they are designed for mojanos and aiptasias.
I could make slight modifications to kill other animals or even elephants if they are over running your tank


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Poconos, PA
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I just got message from forum MOD that warn me I can not sell these item without a vendor. I DO NOT WANT TO SELL NOR BECOME A VENDOR SINCE I ONLY BUILT THIS FOR MY OWN USE. I will built it for you with you supply/pay for the material.

Mod please let me know if I am violate the rule here and how to correct it. I do not intend at any reason to make profit on this built.

I just talk to MOD and I was advised to keep these nonprofit built under DIY. forum. I will post my step by step on how to make this in help everyone to built one. Perhalf, the Mojano Zapper founder can charm in with help as well.

please post the DIY link here when you start it.


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Paul - is there any way I could "borrow" one of these devices for a little bit? I'm dealing with a mushroom issue in one tank, and an aptasia problem in the other. I'm about to try berghia nudis for the aptasia, but I'm at a loss on the mushrooms!

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