I completed my first real system test today and, as it stands right now, it was not successful.
The system was dosed at the same rate as the volunteer tanks. Water volume was actual, sand beds were not included.
After 6 hours there were not many visible bugs, and it seemed that at least 90% had died and were sloughing off the corals. I was only able to find one live bug in the entire system at 5pm.
I returned at 11pm to check and found some small isolated populations of red bugs. There were still large numbers of active "pods" and mysis shrimp. The shrimp and crabs in the system seemed just fine.
Obviously its not a complete failure, the 5 volunteers have had excellent results. If the remaining bugs that I found this evening are not dead, I might treat again tomorrow, this time including the sand bed volume.
Jeremy, Paul, Chris, Joe, Janine, have you seen any bugs back in your tanks.