Sorry to interupt ScavDog... I just completed my treatment and the results are listed below...
Tank info
120 gallon:
- Livestock includes, numerous LPS , numerous SPS, leathers, mushrooms, ricordia, large (naturally occurring) sponges, macro algae, large red serpent star, cleaner shrimp, fighting conchs, tiger tail cucumbers and star polyps…
- 5” deep sand bed
40 gallon prop:
- Livestock includes, same as above and more and a large crocea clam
alkalinity – 8 dkh
salinity – 1.025
temperature (at start of test) – 80.2
11:45 – Added dry medicine to 3 cups of tank water and stirred vigorously. It did not dissolve as readily as I thought it would and some stayed in a dry form. I slowly poured the contents into both tanks adding to the current. Skimmer was turned off and all carbon removed from the system.
12:00 – No visible changes to livestock. Particularly watching my cleaner shrimp which is unchanged.
12:15 – A. robusta seems to have more pronounced polyp extension on the radial coralites, no change on axial coralites. Also notice a swaying motion to the red bugs on this coral, seem to be losing ability to stay fixed to the coral. No change to the cleaner shrimp. Examined a submerged A. robusta frag under 12x jewelers scope and the red bugs seem to be alive and attached but unable to move.
12:35 – A. clathrata sliming heavily, slime is thicker and hanging tight to the coral. Not the same looking slime that would appear during fragmentation or stress. Cleaner shrimp looks unaffected. A. gemmifera showing greater polyp extension including polyps from the axial coralites. All SPS in the pocilipora (4 large colonies and one frag) family showing some polyp closure. Though polyps are extended, they appear to be closed at the tips (like a closed hand…)
1pm – Cleaner shrimp seems unaffected. Showed strong feeding response when flake added to the tank.
1:30 – No change with bugs or corals. Cleaner shrimp looking a little unstable.
2pm – All corals, fish, snails, stars and clam seem normal. Shrimp looking lethargic and more unstable. Removed him from the tank and placed in isolation with 6 cups fresh ASW and two cups tank water. Attempted to blow bugs off A. robusta colony using a turkey baster. Bugs held tight!
3pm – Re-examined A. robusta frag using 12x jewelers scope. Out of the 20+ red bugs that initially infested the coral, I could only find two. One still on the coral, one floating off the coral on a string of slime. Neither appear to be alive. Tried for second time to blow bugs off A. robusta colony. Several were blown off but not 100%.
4pm – Examined numerous frags (all notorious for infestation) using scope and can find very few bugs. Of those I can find, they appear dead. Using the naked eye you can not see any! The cleaner shrimp is recovering.
6pm – No red bugs can be found. All livestock seems perfectly normal. Started skimmer, added carbon and getting ready to start a 20% water change. The cleaner shrimp died.