I have completed two doses...the second dose I only performed a 10% waterchange and left the med in for almost 8 hours, which were the only factors that differed from the first treatment...
I have had these the red bugs in my system for almost 2 years and am pretty good at finding them after all this time...I have not seen a single bug since the first dose. I look at 4 acros in particular where they seemed to favor clinging (tricolor, humilis) or where they were easier to spot (loripes, tortuosa)....
After the first dose all mysis shrimp were gone (100%). I had hundreds visable at night, and now cannot spot even one at any time of the day or night. I lost all acro crabs (2 that I knew I had). I still do have some pods in my sump, but the numbers are lower and they seem to be the larger variety. I spotted one very large (3 inch) crab last night on my rock, it doesn't surprise that it lived considering his size. I had no shrimp to begin with before the med was given.
I have always dosed for 400 gallons...my tank is 360 and sump is 112 (only 1/2 full) ...perhaps what is happening is that some of us used a bit more medication per volume?
I have had these the red bugs in my system for almost 2 years and am pretty good at finding them after all this time...I have not seen a single bug since the first dose. I look at 4 acros in particular where they seemed to favor clinging (tricolor, humilis) or where they were easier to spot (loripes, tortuosa)....
After the first dose all mysis shrimp were gone (100%). I had hundreds visable at night, and now cannot spot even one at any time of the day or night. I lost all acro crabs (2 that I knew I had). I still do have some pods in my sump, but the numbers are lower and they seem to be the larger variety. I spotted one very large (3 inch) crab last night on my rock, it doesn't surprise that it lived considering his size. I had no shrimp to begin with before the med was given.
I have always dosed for 400 gallons...my tank is 360 and sump is 112 (only 1/2 full) ...perhaps what is happening is that some of us used a bit more medication per volume?