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News reports wont say where the 2nd United Airlines plane went down...possibly Camp David situation?

My heart and prayers go out to the victims, the firefighters, the police, all emergancy persons that were caught in the collapse of the WTC buildings.

This is frickin insane........


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My mother is okay, she made it out of the building in time. My brother, I
also discovered, is alright... turns out he was only about a half mile away
from the WTC when the first plane hit, but apart from some smoke inhalation
he's untouched.

I want to thank everyone who tried to contact my mother, you have no idea
how appreciated it is. I also want to thank everyone who contacted me
individually. Knowing so many of you were trying for me and hoping for my
mother's well being really helped. I'm in a tremendous state of shock right
now, but I did want to let everyone know how much I appreciated their
efforts, as well as the fact that they're (blessedly) no longer needful.
Thank you all. If I can ever repay you, just let me know how.


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I'm praying for all those involved, for their families and close friends.

I think I"m going to go be sick now...

Bin Ladin, if you are behind this I will personally slit your throat!





[ September 11, 2001: Message edited by: Nathan ]


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today is 9/11
or 9 1 1
like the emergency phone number. coincidence?


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I too voted for George Bush and he's our president. No one in the 6 billion people in the world right now would want to be him right now. This is a sensitive time and people's nerves are frazzled.


"Often innocent people must die to prove the creditability..." - Timothy McVeigh? Need I say more?

If anyone is to accept some blame it's the FAA for allowing such lax security at american airports. Did they recruit the security at Newark airport from McDonalds? It seemed that way to me when I was there last week! Bunch of inner city high school drop outs who couldn't tell the difference between a pair of scissors and a gun (literally).


[ September 12, 2001: Message edited by: Nathan ]


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I want to send my sympathy and prayers to those in need.
Second some of you are being complete arse's to our foreign friends that are just sending posts of support. I myself want to thank our allies.
I also will ONLY be happy when a decloration of War is issued. Our goverment had previous knowledge of terrorism plots, also of the dozens of Terrorist camps located all over the desert.
President Bush stated it plainly, saying that the terrorists will be dealt with, and those who harbor them.
Lets all please take a deep breath, and focus our anger where it is deserved. To the rat bastard cowards.

Just my $.02
God bless America, where I still know Im FREE!!


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I am as shocked and outraged as the rest of the people in the world today about what happened. This may be my anger speaking but I will vent and probably be flamed, but what the hell. Everyone talks about innocent people being killed and how this shouldn't happen. I agree with this fact for normal circumstances, but in this case this is a war. In war innocent people are killed, this is an inevitable fact. Better their innocent people than ours. A war like we have never seen before. Usually we have a country to attack, but this time it is just a group(s) that we are fighting. As part of these people's religion they have no fear of death. How do you fight someone like that? It is like the kamakazi pilots of WWII. The only thing you can do to stop them is to kill them before they kill you. We need not only to kill them but anyone associated with them. This may mean family, friends, anybody. This, I think, would get the point across that we are not messing around. If you kill one of them one more takes his place. If you kill them and some of their family, the next guy may want to stay home to protect his own. This sounds horrible to say the least, but do you want to live in fear for the rest of your life. Not one person will not think twice everytime they see the NYC skyline. Trust me the country has changed in the last 16 hours. I only thank God that some sort of Chemical agent wasn't used. When I was in the miliary they told us about some of the nasty chemical agents that were out there and trust me if one of those guys had a single vile of these agents we would be mourning all of NYC. Gob bless all of us and let his fury rain on the guilty parties.

One more thing. Before you do anything else, think how you would feel if you had a family member that was lost today or even worse you were one of the survivors buried under tons and tons of rubble talking on your cell phone.

Thank God Bush won instead of Gore


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Scott, though I agree with most of your post, I just want to point out that true Muslims believe, like Catholics, that suicide is never permitted. Deranged and/or power hungry morons like Arafat/Hussein/Bin Laden make up their religion as they go along, calmly declaring their agenda "god's will". They send out their ignorant, brainwashed terrorists to deflect attention to how much of their people's troubles are their own doing(Arafat's fans should look into his stranglehold on foreign aid, which ends up in his and his buddies pockets, keeping Palestinians poor and unemployed).

To all those who've suggested this is a response to U. S. policy, as if we've somehow had this coming, you need to know what idiots you are being. You are parroting the Taliban/PLO/Hamas lines (they all go something like "we deplore this attack... which was caused by the policies of the United States"). In effect saying "now look what you made us do." I guarrantee your arguments of moral equivalence will fall on deaf ears. They have killed to gain support, notoriety, and power. We will kill to end the killing.


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I wanted to interject some good news. All our people on the 81st floor got out safely!

Absolutly amazing!



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What happend to day is a tragedy!
How often are we going to let this hapen.
And let it go unpunished?

Year after year, they atack innocent people. Almost stricly US targets.

The terists hit us over the head with a sledge hamer. What do we do about it.
We cower in the corner untill ther not looking, and then we through pebbles at them.
Know wonder they keep targeting the U.S.
They ataked us so wher going to atack ther traning camp. Thats good but hey, lets tell them and the reast of the world what we plan on dooing that way they can evacuat the traning senter befor we atack. ARNT WE SMART!! Maybe its time to realy tell the world we have hade it with theas attack's.
Instead uf tosing pebbels, pick up a god #@%#& boulder and drop it on every body involved with it, nnot once not twice but THREE TIMES!! Let them and the reast of the world know we are not going to tolerat it any more.
Which zero tolerance, If I remember right is part of the U.S. polacy on terrorism to begin with. But this time, lets not tell them when wher coming.


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hey Mouse,
There is one thing that a lot of people don't understand about the USA, it is not 1 single man in power, it's our entire Government that is in power, Bush (who I did vote for) has an entire force of advisers at hand, I have confidence that he will make the right decision and do Americans proud.
I can't believe that anyone would think that "we the people" would push "the button", if it is ever pushed, it would be after some other country has already pushed theirs, no one wants to destroy the world, if they did I'm sure it would have already happened.

My hart goes out to every one who has lost a loved one, this the most horific thing that I have ever seen in my entire life, SOMEONE MUST PAY!!!!!!!!!!


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Let me clear up my post a little. I have no ill will towards anyone that is not related to this tragedy. I respect the many religions of the world and believe that is one of the great aspects of it( the diversity). My hatred is directed towards the people responsible for this and ANYONE that supports it. I would be the first person to volunteer to go and start the revenge.


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Semper Fidelis to President Bush, Our Armed Forces, The Fireman, Police Officers and Medical Personnel for their attention to detail in this tragedy to save lives.

Our prayers are with you, and with all of the victims families.

America Salutes these brave men & women

randy holmes-farley

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<< I wanted to interject some good news. All our people on the 81st floor got out safely! >>

Unfortunately, we were not so lucky. We lost one of our employees on one of the planes as she travelled to a business meeting in LA.

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