What happend to day is a tragedy!
How often are we going to let this hapen.
And let it go unpunished?
Year after year, they atack innocent people. Almost stricly US targets.
The terists hit us over the head with a sledge hamer. What do we do about it.
We cower in the corner untill ther not looking, and then we through pebbles at them.
Know wonder they keep targeting the U.S.
They ataked us so wher going to atack ther traning camp. Thats good but hey, lets tell them and the reast of the world what we plan on dooing that way they can evacuat the traning senter befor we atack. ARNT WE SMART!! Maybe its time to realy tell the world we have hade it with theas attack's.
Instead uf tosing pebbels, pick up a god #@%#& boulder and drop it on every body involved with it, nnot once not twice but THREE TIMES!! Let them and the reast of the world know we are not going to tolerat it any more.
Which zero tolerance, If I remember right is part of the U.S. polacy on terrorism to begin with. But this time, lets not tell them when wher coming.