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At approximately 8:45 am the first plane struck one of the towers, then 30 minutes later, a second plane struck the second tower.

The AP reports that United Airways had a plane hijacked shortly before the collisions. It was a 737 or 757 150passenger commercial jet.

Go turn on your radios and TV's!


DANG! I cannot get a good news page for more info. All of them are locked up now. AAAARRGh.
Stock market just closed....


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holy crap.. they have video of the secong one hitting..
oh man...

go watch.. forget online news... you won't get on..

the same atricle everywhere in canada..

This is not good... Even after 11yr in the military I didn't get chills like this..

United Airlines 767 fom Boston is one plane..

Supposedly hijacked.. 1,000 injuries estimated..

[ September 11, 2001: Message edited by: DJ88 ]


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Cnn just said that an American Airlines 767 was one of the planes that hit the building, it took off from Boston


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I work for Bank of America Securities and our NY office is on the 81st floor. Smack dab in the middle of the bigger hole. Above us was some of the largest invesment firms in the US.

Right now all firms, traders, and markets nationwide are evacuating as a safty measure. So far my office, San Francisco, is hanging in for operations support, but we'll be evacuating shortly.



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Washington Mall is on fire too... no clue why..

White house has been evacuated..

All flights in the US have been stopped. FAA halted it all..

un f*king believable..

scary man.. really sacry

[ September 11, 2001: Message edited by: DJ88 ]


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Have just heard that there are 11 planes missing in flight.

A palistinian group is taking resposiblilty. They called goverenment offices in Abu Dhabi.


[ September 11, 2001: Message edited by: GDawson ]


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well I have to go to college.. I dont' wnat to..

my thoguths go out to all.

holy crap...

I am still getting chills..

THis is not good..........


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I just heard a report of a partial or total collapse of one of the World Trade Center towers. Can anyone confirm or deny that?


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yeah.. south tower..

I jsut saw the video of it collapsing.. oh my god..


People were jumping from the tower trying to get into the river.....

[ September 11, 2001: Message edited by: DJ88 ]

[ September 11, 2001: Message edited by: DJ88 ]


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I work in the legislative office building in CT. They just shut down the building and are forcing us to go home. Gook luck to everyone, your friends and family.


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My mother works in the World Trade Center. I have no idea if she survived or not. All phone lines are busy to NYC from the west coast. If anyone in NY/NJ/CT is reading this, if you're able to get through on local phone lines, I beg you to call 718-680-6326 and find my mother Joanne is there. If anyone in Brooklyn is reading this, her address is 112 Gelston Avenue (located betweeen 90th and 92nd streets, off of fifth avenue, in Bay Ridge) if it should be possible to check in person. My home phone is 310-313-0194, my email address is [email protected]

Any news would be appreciated. Additionally, the news here has no information on casualty lists or even which hospitals people have been sent to. That information would be appreciated as well.


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I've been trying you mother's number since you posted. I was just able to get through, but unfortunately I got an answering machine. I hope your mother is okay.

I too am going through the same thing. I have several friends who work in the WTC. I've only heard from one, he was able to get out. There are no reports of casualties at all, mainly I believe it is because nobody really knows anything at this point.

The phone lines, including cell phones, around here have been jammed all morning. Good luck. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your mom.



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CJD - tried the number from boston. can't get thru. my hopes are with you!

anyone know the deal with DC besides the Pentagon?

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