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moe_k, I heard on a news story that F-16's are escorting an aircraft that is believed to be hijacked and headed for the White House. This was a news story and I'm not sure if this is true or not.



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news reports so sketchy.
i heard Camp David was attacked, and something about a plane down in PA?!?!


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This just in... a plane has crashed into Bush's home in Camp David. This is confirmed as I work 100 yards from Great Lakes Naval Base. Bush was in the air in AirForce1 at the time. No reports yet as to who else might have been there.


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Yes, the reports are being disavowed. I just talked to a buddy on base and it is true that a plane crashed in Camp David. They are going to downplay it as much as possible to avoid a panic.

Brian J

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a United flight from Boston is "missing."
it is a 757, was headed for west coast - so would be loaded w/ fuel.


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My sympathy to all those inocent people that have become caught in this rediculous web of religous rightousness. The one thing that scares me even more than the fact that this is the largest terrorist attack in modern history is that right now the USA have the biggest clusterfcuk in controll of the button in modern history. Canary Wharf has just been evacuated here. Again my deepest sypathy to all concerned.

[ September 11, 2001: Message edited by: Mouse ]


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For anyone that is from or knows someone that was in one of these areas that were attacked. I hope you and your loved ones are safe.



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what a sick day in the world, my heart goes out to all families and freinds envolved in this tragedy, to all the rescue workers and people involved on that end as well. freedom has been attacked by a coward with no face and freedom shall be defended!~President Bush
what a sad sie my i canr believe what i am seeing, i was in NY 3 months ago and stayed right in times square, i went into the world trade center. i am shocked! there are sick people in this world, i would hate to be a child growing up in this sick world today. kinda scary


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• Three Palestinian groups -- Hamas, the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine and Islamic Jihad -- deny responsibility for the attacks, but blame U.S. policies in the Mideast.


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Our thoughts and prayers are with everyone on this tragic tragic day. I hope anyone out there that has family and loved ones in any of the attacked areas are OK.


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Hey Mouse, easy on the reigns..

"The one thing that scares me even more than the fact that this is the largest terrorist attack in modern history is that right now the USA have the biggest clusterfcuk in controll of the button in modern history. "

Bush isn't the one to blame here...
I voted and support Bush.

I'm offended by your statement.


[ September 11, 2001: Message edited by: whirley ]


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I can't believe that the attacks were old-fashioned (ie, they always hijack planes). It has long been my thought that the next wave of attacks, especially terrorism, would be biological or chemical in nature.

I attended a sysmposium where the author of The Hot Zone, Richard Preston, illustrated using baby powder how easily Anthrax and smallpox could be spread. Then he explained the shortages we would face if given such an attack.


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I have to blame the US Dept. of Defense, Secretary of Defence, National Security, CIA, Terrorist Spealists, etc...

Sensitive time like these, especially when threats were thrown at us. Shouldn't we keep a closer watch of abnormal activities?

First plane hijacked from boston flies through MA. then takes a hard cut let towards NY. Hijack was known for at least 1hr. Second plane hijacked 3 1/2 hours away. Another hijack which crashed in Penn. Shouldn't this trigger an alarm???? Or does it take this tragic event to realize what is going on.

Glad to see my taxes are put to good work. All I have to say is this shouldn't have happened.

BTW, how the hell did the pentagon get bombed?!?!?!!? Shouldn't it be the most highly secured building in the USA????? Blah, Blah, Bla, Blah,.... Whatever....

Currently home looking out my window watching the smoke clear.

I wish all good luck, my prayers are with you.

Sad and Pissed



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Never did I think that this would happen in my lifetime. So many questions...where does our country go from here? will we EVER know who is responsible? how desperate is the cause that people committed suicide to crash these planes and kill thousands of innocent people?

If I could say anything to the world to stop this terrorism bull#$&^ it would be "look into your childrens eyes and tell me you would let them die to further your cause". I strongly believe that the guilty party should be severely punished but I shudder to think how many more of our loved ones will die so that we can have our vengeance. My point is this: if I could personally torture and kill the one responsible I would be there in a second. For these bastards to kill thousands of innocents who had never done the terrorists any wrong is just cowardly. I cannot believe that someone out there sharing my oxygen was able to justify to themselves the acts that they have carried out.

Maybe because I am sane and not a coward I stated that I would like to kill the terrorists personally instead of thinking hmmm maybe I'll be an idiot and just destroy thousands of innocent lives.

I am just absolutely disgusted and enraged. As a nation we are going to pass one helluva test right now. We are going to put aside a lot of our inner conflicts, racism, etc. and bond with those around us because, being human, I can't imagine how I would feel if one of my loved ones were lost to this insanity.

I need to go glue my eyes on the TV again so I'll check back later.

Sorry this was so long....


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I am utterly shocked and saddened by these tragic series of incidents.It's unbelievable that barely in July I was visiting NY,admiring the city from the top of the world trade center and just like that,it's gone.....


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There's only been one successful hijacking in history before today (by successful, I mean that the hijackers did exactly what they wanted to. First was DB Cooper in 1971). Now there's 3 more.



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Hey whirly, no offence but he's a very powerfull man. Someone who affects all of us not just Americans. I never said he was to blame in the slightest. You just have to realise that that man at the moment has more firepower under his controll than any other man in the world. And from what i can gather from his recent and third trip out of the united states is that the man is a fool.

But hey what were your choices. Its not like i blame anyone, but that doesn't detract from the air of incompetance and ignorance that he has diplayed to the rest of the world. I mean here we are on the brink of world war three (and you had better beleave it) and there is a man in the driving seat who's only left the country 3 times. Scares me man, sorry if i offended you but thats the way i feel.

The Palistinians are scum, they deserve to die, each and every one of them. I think what they have recently done to the Talibans is inexcuseable. Making people segrigate themselfs through the use of yellow sashes is unbeleaveable. Look at what happend the last time someone segrigated society in such a way, does the star of david ring any bells.
This is the third rieght reincarnate, it has to be taken very sereously and handled with a huge ammount of sensitivity and diplomacy. And i dont think he's the man to do it. Two wrongs sadly dont make a right. Hopefully the right thing will be done and the responsible individuals will be brought to a court of law and punished.

But with the way things are developing in the Holy land right now i wouldn't be surprised if this was the end of the world. We have had a shaky start to the beginning of the century with plauge desease and destruction, AKA the three horse men of the apocalypse. The lost tribes of Jerusalem have met and the feast of the seven trumpets has taken place. If you look at nostradamus he said the next wave would be angels of fire (burning Aeroplanes) coming down from the sky, and the same can be read in the book of Davidians. This is the bit that has been banished from the Bible by various religous figures and leaders. And if your asking if i blame bush, no! These are events predicted eons ago. Bush just seems to add to the futility of the situation.

Again just my opinion, im sure he's a very nice guy. And again sorry if i have caused you offence.

[ September 11, 2001: Message edited by: Mouse ]

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