<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by murrayjim:
It is frustrating to see someone kill 30 fish, but it is still no reason to flame. Do you think flaming is going to change someone's mind? I think you and I are in agreement on this issue. However, I do think getting outraged at some guy killng 30 fish and show no outrage at an industry where at least 100 times that amount perish is hypocritical. To rationlize the death and destruction away by saying at least the survivors should be well cared for is, IMO, hypocritical.
I am not sure you meant anything personal by this, but I will explain myself, so as not to be misunderstood.
I am outraged when 30 fish die needlessly in a tank (not from a major random tank crash by the way, but from pure irresponsibility). I am outraged when improper holding facilities/capture techniques/and all aspects related to the supply of these animals result in deaths because these are wild animals taken from a delicate and threatened ecosystem (my opinions on whether many fish/corals should be available at all are probably not popular). These are not, IMO, acceptable losses, and further research into captive prop animals or pressure to improve the statistics on capture should be considered. But we want relatively low cost fish, so the market will no doubt prevail, and many can continue to live in their little world, oblivious to the losses.
Did I ever say that it was OK for so many animals to die in this hobby (in supply) but not in our tanks? I said that it is hypocritical to condemn LFS shops as disease ridden money hungry uninformed SOBs on this board (as so many happily do) and then the very same folks take home animals (eg, often the cheaper, wild caught clowns instead of tank raised- want to save money as much as the LFS wants to make it) and feed them the wrong thing, house them in the wrong tanks with fish that are not proper co-inhabitants and they end up similarly diseased or killed. I am outraged when animals needlessly die, in collecting, in shipping, in the LFS and in our tanks, if no effort was made to improve basic conditions for them. I do not *ever* rationalize the loss of the others...but I will take responsibility for those that are lucky enough to survive, and value them highly because they are one survivor from the hundreds taken. I think the fact that so many do die makes taking care of them in our tanks an even greater responsibility.
It is also hypocritical to write off the loss of 30 fish as part of the learning curve and be outraged over collecting losses. These are 30 more fish that made it through many, many fiery hoops only to die, most likely, needlessly. A bit of reading, consulting this board, or just pure patience, would have and does save many fish.
If you read the post in question, I think you will see that a number of people attempted to calmly help the person (actually it was a remarkable calm thread considering the topic...I would say that most of us practically begged him)...and it was only after the poster repeatedly refused to answer relevant questions or take any responsibility (which we all must) and 'signed off' that I lost my temper...and frankly, my 'flame' post was nothing like some of the juvenile exchanges on this board. It was less of a flame than a really, really *blunt* answer to his questions after others failed. I apologize for that, but I am absolutely serious about the message.
I agree with everyone and do not think that the standard "flame" on this board - which involves words like "idiot and fool" and random curses is in any way beneficial.