HEY AYRES, you're right, I've never gone into the garbage (here in the US it's perfectly legal), but I have been given styros with the labels on them. I never said that I got invoices, only supplier names. From there, I get the price list direct. And I do know exactly what the markup is. I never claimed that the overhead doesn't justify a substantial price increase, I did after all mention that many stores will pool their orders to save on shipping, however, when you see one LFS selling something for $20 and another one a few miles away selling the same thing for $100, it's pretty obvious that the price difference is not justified, especially when they get the specimens in at the same time. Just look around at all the people on this bb who are giving away xenia because it is overgrowing their tanks. One local store near me sells single stalks with only about 15 polyps on them for $30, another for $20, while another one sells them for $5 per polyp! Anyone out there can get a price list from Indonesia or Florida or wherever, and the ones I've seen price most fish out at less than $.25. Another prime example, I can get a lemon shark for $125 on the internet from a Florida retailer, while my LFS sells them for $2000. Sounds fair to me. By the way, I obviously hit a nerve with you, which was never my intention, because there was nothing negative about my post whatsoever, but your attack shows that part of your quote rings true for you, you definitely have the ignorance part of it down pat. And when you want to quote law, make sure you know what it is before you start spouting it off to a prosecutor who practices it every single day. To the rest of you, sorry for the hostility, but there was no reason for this Ayres person to go on the offensive against me, just as a lot of the posts on this thread have done to others. Those of you who have been so critical, it's a hobby, nobody's perfect, so get off your high horse and just try and help others instead of attacking.