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Guns, Razors, Knives.
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So you come on a internet forum asking the public what they think of your rock work and you were expecting everyone to say it looks amazing? I dont understand what you want here, an honest opinion or some lip service?

Yeah man, totally, the way you have two rocks standing 6 inchs apart with another haphazardly on top of them creating a cave like structure is simply brilliant, cutting edge, and incredibly imaginative.

'IRL' im a pretty nice guy, actually.

You asked for opinions, you got what you asked for.

My tank, as requested:



Two Decade Club
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MatthewScars..I like the look of the rock wall its very nice and was thinking of doing something like that myself, but take it from someone whos reef tanks have orbited the sun more than twenty times everything is going to settle behind there detris, food, dead fish etc....

Matt keep the rockwork as open as possible so the flow can into all the areas especially in an SPS dominated tank. ..and you'll be changing rocks around over time anyway..I still do as things grow.


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Matthew scars I'd love to see pics of ur tank !

I'm am happy I don't know you in real life I'm pretty sure I'd think you where a ....... !

I would have to agree with scars, you asked to be critique and now your calling him a a ..... ?

anyways back to the op the structure you have on the right looks like its going to topple over. I personally would use the rock you have as a base and go buy more LR. But thats my opinion ohhh i guess im a a....... now.
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Guns, Razors, Knives.
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everything is going to settle behind there detris, food, dead fish etc....

MIKE! Did you notice I left the bottom of the rock wall bare? that is for flow to get in there. Also, I didnt glue the wall right against the glass. It is at an angle so I can blow a MJ or whatever behind there. My last rockwall tank crashed, so trust me, i know exactly what you mean and i took steps to try and counter act it.

ALSO, im selling all my coral and making it a FOWLR + softies the angel fish dont eat :D


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Garden city
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46nbliss no I don't think ur an ...
But ill stand by my comment on scars
Everyone else here offering constructive criticism u where just being nasty I said it was just a start supposed to be a fun thread!

I have 40 lbs more Lr that will be going into tank that's in my 40 breeder I don't want a ton of live rock in this tank want to leave lots room for coral growth and swim room!
Also unfortunately I can't go and buy Live rock ATM just bought a house so no extra money right now for the time being I'm doing best i can with what I have to get it up and running!!
I'm hoping to create a scape that if the tank is a success the coral growth will block the rock from view !


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north NJ
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I find my best scapes come from sweating it out all night long until I'm exhausted and just throw in towel... Seriously what works for you is important. Mine has larger on bottom smaller and shelf on the top sections, but anything with a arch looks pretty cool. You can use acrylic rods to help you get rocks where you want em. Check out bigkahunas tank thread. All acrylic rods holding rock in place


Advanced Reefer
Garden city
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Ok thanks I was looking for acrylic rods at Home Depot no luck so I switched too 1/2 PVC I think I have the left side close to where I want it now!
I just wanna get the rock in somewhat close to how I want it to get the cycle going !


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I find my best scapes come from sweating it out all night long until I'm exhausted and just throw in towel... Seriously what works for you is important. Mine has larger on bottom smaller and shelf on the top sections, but anything with a arch looks pretty cool. You can use acrylic rods to help you get rocks where you want em. Check out bigkahunas tank thread. All acrylic rods holding rock in place

I toss a bunch of rocks in my tank and hope for the best. :biglaugh:


Advanced Reefer
Garden city
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This is my fav that's kinda idea I was going for!

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