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Garden city
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This is just a start gonna tinker a bit
For the 2 main islands I drilled a hole and fitted 2 pcs of rock togeather with PVC pipe!

Please comment good bad etc...
This tank will be 100% sps


Two Decade Club
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it's coming along nice Matt....again alittle early to tell, but the Island on the right with the shelf rock on the top will create alot of shade under it...in a mixed tank it's not a problem for lower light corals, but for SPS it will be a open area ...it's OK if thats what your looking for...


Old School Reefer
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Matt, I'm thinking the same as everyone else, very early to pass judgement, it's a work in progress. What I'm seeing is a lot of rubble configured to become your aquascape. I think a number of larger rocks as the base would create a more eye appealing scape. But that's my opinion and quite frankly it doesn't matter, only yours does. ;)

Good luck, keep up the good work.



Advanced Reefer
Garden city
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I really wanted to try stay away from the rock wall look and plan on having a ton of sm reef fish so I wanna leave plenty of swimming room!
ATM I only have lights to cover the 2 sides the middle won't get enough light yet for sps gonna need a kessil for middle down the road when I have the extra dough!

I really need some branch rock to complete it !
Ill keep u guys posted!


Advanced Reefer
New York
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I like the island to the left since I can envision a sps dominated cliff but the right side should be a bit more organized you never know though, for it does wonders when there are corals on the rocks


Advanced Reefer
Garden city
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What r u guys using to putty rocks together ? I'm gonna buy a stick of 1/2 " PVC and drill few more holes in these I was using 3/4 cause that's all I had but rocks where breaking !
With smaller hole I think I can come up with something better!!!

Plumbers putty??


Advanced Reefer
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Marco rocks has great cement to bond rocks together if that's what your trying to do, once dry it's permanent though, you won't be able to break the bond. I think you also need a bunch of bigger rocks, and get rid of some of the rubble in the middle, that shelf on the right side I think may cause a lot if shading below IMO, but again it's your reef so you gotta like it
Long Island
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Now is the time to experiment. Try 3 entirely different layouts and see which one you like. Take pictures of each layout and keep in mind flow and lighting. Its your tank, your going to be staring at it everyday. Do what brings a smile to your face.


Advanced Reefer
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I think you could improve it using the rule of 3. Consider each third of the tank as a section and try not to mirror the height or width in any two sections. For instance, if you make the island on the right a bit wider and taller, I think you'll find that it looks much more natural.

Symmetry rarely exists in nature, so you'll want to try to make it look natural by creating a flow.

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