the first star wars were ground breaking, for the effects.
the second series I only saw on cable, and did not like at all.
I hope this third one is better, that's what i hear at least.
I won't be lining up to see it. back in the day I remember when the second and third parts came out, it was crazy.
heh im a geek, imma go watch it. i heard on z100 that this was the best out of the three. plus i saw the cartoon on cartoonnetwork already. the store was great! i like the robot general heh, he's freaken great.
I haven't seen any of the new three. I'll catch them eventually.
I've been up working on my new electrical box for my lights. MH, 2xPC and Moonlights all going into one small box. I spent the evening hacking up digital timers so I can box mount them.
Wouldn't you know I didn't think to take pics until right now. Oh, well, I'll take some in the morning before I start to cut the metal.