I understand your initial, logical impulse, but understand the reality of it.
The divers are paid fixed salaries...not by the piece.
They do not want to risk their lives daily, have no incentive to do so and choose not to if not threatened by withholding salary!
Thats right...withholding salary.
Filipinos stuck in the South Pacific with expired return tickets* and no salary cannot survive very the exporters so very well know.
To increase the culpability of the "Americans" forcing this terrible situation...consider that they are well versed in decompression physics and Datelines boss was even a commercial diver in Hawaii for many years.
He understands nitrogen narcosis, the bends, bone neucrosis and air embolism very, very well. Playing Russian roulette with this is incredibly selfish and greedy as they know full well what tiny margins of security there is in pressuring less educated men into a "working depth" of 150 feet!
Only Filipinos are at risk as they were brought in instead of developing and training local people. No local Tongan or Vanuatuans are in these depths. So, if the Filipino dies, they can just send him...and the problem back to the Philippines in a box. One diver noted that he has no return ticket....unless he dies.
If a local dies, there would be hell to pay as the exporter would be considered liable.
The education of all this is underway however and all the Filipinos there have been contacted with information....which is also why there are resignations are underway.
Expired return tickets are often used to control the divers. If they are held back for another tour of duty, the tickets will expire. They are assured however that they will be taken care of and not to worry.
But, if any disagreement should arise, the divers are to understand that they will not be getting a "free ticket" now. Manufacturing a disagreement to change the situation is a slick little tactic un-thought of by the divers when they are signing on to work.
Some are held very much against their will but see no way out except to play the game, behave and hope for the best forfeiting all their leverage to the exporters holding all the cards.
Well, I guess this is what you can expect from exporters who even supply their divers with crowbars and hammers to crush corals to collect flame hawks. No cyanide of course....just crushed corals all along the forereef from one end of the island to the next.