Guys, gals while I was away I changed my mind yet again.:lol2:
Here is what I did, I transferred 1Eye Jack to the 29 g. Cleaned up the 30 g added the 20 g wet/dry without the bioballs, then made like 10 trips up the stairs carrying 1 bucket of water out of the fowlr until I filled the tank.
All the fish are now residing in the 30 g at the top of my stairs. Now I have to add water to the 75, and put the lr back.:tired: :tired: :tired: :tired:
Hello Italian friend, don't forget we latins love our garlic also.:lol2:
Here is what I did, I transferred 1Eye Jack to the 29 g. Cleaned up the 30 g added the 20 g wet/dry without the bioballs, then made like 10 trips up the stairs carrying 1 bucket of water out of the fowlr until I filled the tank.
All the fish are now residing in the 30 g at the top of my stairs. Now I have to add water to the 75, and put the lr back.:tired: :tired: :tired: :tired:
Hello Italian friend, don't forget we latins love our garlic also.:lol2: