My FOWLR had an ich outbreak back in Feb., due to a impulse by at "Petco", and not qt. I lost almost all the fish, except for the betta, and the eel. I have since started adding new fish without problems, but now I intend to add a PBT the ich magnet. Therefore, I want to be absolutely sure to clear the tank of any ich.
The tank I have for QT is only a 29 g long. The fish that I need to QT are as follow; 6" Marine Betta, 6" Dog Face Puffer, 6" Blue Throat Trigger, 2 - 3" Cinnamon Clowns, 4 - 2.5" Damsels, and another 2.5" clown. Not sure whether or not I have to QT the eel as well. Any way as you can see they won't do well in the above described tank.
What I want to do is take my two small fresh water baby Oscars out of their 55 g, and put them in the 29 g while I use their tank as a QT for the other guys. Of course I would be taking all substrate & decorations, and the filter out leaving me with a totally empty tank.
After the two months of QT, I'll put the salt water fish back into their 75 g tank. Clean the 55 g again, replace everything and put the Oscars back.
I see no problems with this, but another member feels that this cannot be done. What do you guys with more experience think? I have in the past taken a fresh water tank to salt water, and back with out any ill effects.
And by the way, can eels harbour ICH?
Thank you very much for taking the time to read my post, as well as for the input.:hug:
The tank I have for QT is only a 29 g long. The fish that I need to QT are as follow; 6" Marine Betta, 6" Dog Face Puffer, 6" Blue Throat Trigger, 2 - 3" Cinnamon Clowns, 4 - 2.5" Damsels, and another 2.5" clown. Not sure whether or not I have to QT the eel as well. Any way as you can see they won't do well in the above described tank.
What I want to do is take my two small fresh water baby Oscars out of their 55 g, and put them in the 29 g while I use their tank as a QT for the other guys. Of course I would be taking all substrate & decorations, and the filter out leaving me with a totally empty tank.
After the two months of QT, I'll put the salt water fish back into their 75 g tank. Clean the 55 g again, replace everything and put the Oscars back.
I see no problems with this, but another member feels that this cannot be done. What do you guys with more experience think? I have in the past taken a fresh water tank to salt water, and back with out any ill effects.
And by the way, can eels harbour ICH?
Thank you very much for taking the time to read my post, as well as for the input.:hug: