I would like to thank Chris(chalan) for all the experimenting with polishing and buffing acrylic. Without his help It would have taken me 2-3 times more time and effort to get to the end result. I originally posted here on Manhattan Reefs on how to buff out scratches for acrylic tanks. So here it is.
Before you are so quick for somone to fix the scratches assess the amount of scratches and how deep they are. Furthermore, are they on the outside or inside ? I was in the same situation you were over a month ago. Did a lot of reserch and a fellow
Mr (thanks Chris) helped with a lot of trial and time... A lot of the scratches can be taken out with the Novus 1,2,3 formula(this can be used on the outside of the tank or inside when the tank is empty). If the scratches are too deep you can use a 1/2" sheet palm sander and start with a 300 grit paper and sand you way up to 8000-12,000. I found that if you could clearly feel a groove with your finger then use the sanding method 1st and finish with the polishing method(novus 1,2,3). Most body shops will have these papers readily available. If you take this route(using an electric sander) you need to cool the acrylic(use water to wet the area constantly). If you can't find paper above 3000-4000 grit and the area is small you can use the paper that is contained in the pentaire acrylic scratch remover kit. This can also be used when the tank is full with water. I recomend getting this kit, it will come in handy.
Another excellent company to contact and ask questions are everclear. Very nice people with years of experience.
Here is a link on Frequently asked questions about plastics that will also help.
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