Very nice. Why do you think your having trouble with your Ca n Alk?
It takes practice leveling and adjusting the dosing amounts which I haven't gotten used to. It's getting better though...
Very nice. Why do you think your having trouble with your Ca n Alk?
Gorgeous collection, it looked like in the first picture the clam was about to eat the hippo lmao.
It takes practice leveling and adjusting the dosing amounts which I haven't gotten used to. It's getting better though...
Time for some growth pics. Group shot of my mummy eye collection... All started as a one eye frag and had them for about 8 months (except for Meng's which is 2 months at that size). Three types in group shot: Oregon Mummy Eye #1 , Oregon Mummy Eye #2, Cornbred Trash Mummy Eye and Meng's Mummy Eye. Can you guess which is which?
Do you find that corals grow in spurts. Similar to hair growing phase then a transitional phase then a growing phase?
Do you like the light mover? I was looking to purchase one.
hey nice collection, i can't tell which one is which one.. haha.. where u buy those big dish for the mummy eye??
Wow!!! You have few chalices…. Nice
Very nice bro
I love chalices I have few nothing crazy though if u ever frag ur chalice let me know .do u feel they like strong light .and high current .some that I have grow pretty quick others take forever man .Whatta ur thoughts on chalice placement .and alk levels