sure last summer I took my boys to hockey camp in Toronto
my wife stayed home
due to my own fault I had my circulation pump on a regular circuit that was wired to my emergency generator.
not knowing my wife plugged a dehumidifier on same circuit, the breaker tripped she had no way of knowing went down stairs next morning to check tank, feed fish and realized the breaker tripped
she called me immediately I walked her through reseting breaker
I lost the Monti cap, montipora spondoes went down my goldflake angel and a flame angel.
I've since wired a separate outlet for the circulation pump
i love ur tank. i have a ? do u feel that to maintain a tank over 125g is easy and cost wise . i have a 55gallon with a 10g sump i would like to upgrade to a 75gallon with a 30gallon sump. i love ur pics keep it comin
this tank is costing me the same as my 180
when I upgraded I got rid of the Iwaki pump I was running
same lights just upgraded the reflectors
skimmer is the same replaced the sedra with a red dragon clone (only drawing 55W)
when I bought equipment for my 180 I had an upgrade in mind so ome things were over kill on 180
I keep things very simple , I have an ACIII running and an ATO running
other than I cant reach certain areas of tank with out getting wet I don't see a difference in difficulty maintaining this tank