- Location
- Upper East Side
This is an upgrade that has been in the works for a while while I have slowly collected the things I need for it. I'm using the same equipment that I purchased for my 29g/40Br set ups, so I know I'm going to be pushing the limits of some of my equipment. For the first time, I have a very specific mental idea of what i want my tank to look like when I am finished.
- 75g AGA tank, drilled through the bottom for drain and return with corner glass overflow
- AquaC EV 120 skimmer (I'll be looking for a 180 for sale, I think) powered with a Mag 5
- ViaAqua return pump (will upgrade to a quietone, I think)
- 2 maxijet mods for circulation
- Pacific Coast 1/10 HP chiller
- 2 x 175w SE Ushio 14K MH
- 2 phosban reactors for GAC and GFO
- either my 40Br for the sump or a 20L
Livestock: Fish
- Blue-Green Chromis (Chromis viridis) (1)
- Pylei Fairy Wrasse (Cirrhilabrus pylei) (2 - m/f)
- Tail-Spot Blenny (Escenius stigmatura) (1)
- Royal Gramma (Gramma loreto) (1)
- Purple Firefish (Nemateleotris decora) (1)
- Spotfin Butterfly (Chaetodon ocellatus) (3)
- Lamarck Angel (Genicanthus lamarkii) (1 - f)
... plus I might like to add ...
- Male Lamarck Angel (Genicanthus lamarkii) ?
- A pair of false percula clowns - tank raised (Amphipiron ocellaris) ?
Livestock: Coral
I am currently keeping a mixed reef. I would like to allow the things I have to grow out into larger colonies rather than having a greater diversity in my tank. I particularly like the look of the acropora stags and the plating montiporas for SPS and the bushy gorgonians and other softies that I have.
- 75g AGA tank, drilled through the bottom for drain and return with corner glass overflow
- AquaC EV 120 skimmer (I'll be looking for a 180 for sale, I think) powered with a Mag 5
- ViaAqua return pump (will upgrade to a quietone, I think)
- 2 maxijet mods for circulation
- Pacific Coast 1/10 HP chiller
- 2 x 175w SE Ushio 14K MH
- 2 phosban reactors for GAC and GFO
- either my 40Br for the sump or a 20L
Livestock: Fish
- Blue-Green Chromis (Chromis viridis) (1)
- Pylei Fairy Wrasse (Cirrhilabrus pylei) (2 - m/f)
- Tail-Spot Blenny (Escenius stigmatura) (1)
- Royal Gramma (Gramma loreto) (1)
- Purple Firefish (Nemateleotris decora) (1)
- Spotfin Butterfly (Chaetodon ocellatus) (3)
- Lamarck Angel (Genicanthus lamarkii) (1 - f)
... plus I might like to add ...
- Male Lamarck Angel (Genicanthus lamarkii) ?
- A pair of false percula clowns - tank raised (Amphipiron ocellaris) ?
Livestock: Coral
I am currently keeping a mixed reef. I would like to allow the things I have to grow out into larger colonies rather than having a greater diversity in my tank. I particularly like the look of the acropora stags and the plating montiporas for SPS and the bushy gorgonians and other softies that I have.
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