Advanced Reefer
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- Midtown - East
Thats what I was referring to. They are often seen as a difficult species, but they really aren't if you keep up with the proper nutrition they depend on.
IMO mandarins are hardier then most people think... Best of luck
Thanks everyone! It's been a week now and everything seems to have stabilized and is looking good. I'm getting an algae bloom, but that was to be expected since I switched up my sand and added some new rock. All of my fish are behaving normally and my corals have all opened up (or completely died) with few exceptions. The algae bloom looks yucky, but I've never seen my blenny cover so much ground in my tank. He zips around everywhere eating off of the rocks.
My male pylei wrasse wants to say hi.
pylei wrasse - Cirrhilabrus pylei - introduction said:Hi you fine reef keepers, I'm feeling lucky, like a million bucks:inlove: for ellebelle gave me that :flirt: look and took me home to her nice and cosy reef, so here's a bit about me and some more and some more and...hey here's another at Manhattan Reefs..well I'm off to explore this nice reef which is my home. Nice to meet you all, take care
Hi ;-) Hi pylei wrasse... Cheers;-)
Nice fish you've brought home ellebelle and good choice to for the reef as one can read in the following introduction done by pylei wrasse - Cirrhilabrus pylei
I've had him for almost a year now - and I got him from another member who had him for a while who got him from ANOTHER member who had him for a while..
ellebelle said:I actually have a M/F "pair" - I put the pair in quotations because when I first got the female (very difficult to track down, btw) my male started to color up and he would flash all the time and they would do some modified type mating behavior at "dawn" when my lights were coming on. But they don't quite behave like that anymore. The male still has all of his color though - I guess they're past the honeymoon phase of their relationship.I'd love to get another female so he could have a tiny harem, but I'm afraid the female I have would kill another female. She's small but very very mean.