Thanks for the compliments! I will certainly try to get to the frag swap- can't wait to get my 1st corals from - Dennis has some amazing LPS and Softies.
I chose TBS LR b/c they ship in water- I have had little, if any, die off. The rock was basically only in shipment for maybe 4 hours - from the airport in FL to laguardia via air freight. I don't have room for a quarantine tank and really didn't want to cure smelly rock in my apartment- and since I wanted uncured LR for the life on it there wasn't really any place out there to go (maybe gulf-view, but they don't ship in water).
This rock was from their FL off shore site- not their gulf one. Due to all those hurricanes they haven't been able to harvest any from the gulf. Better macro algae on the off-shore rock apparently, but fewer sponges, etc. I have to say I have no complaints- still seeing new life everyday- tunicates, featherworms, shrimp, snails, etc. and since sponges have a nasty rep for dying and poluting the tank it might actually be for the best.
Getting the second half of the shipment in a week or so- will update and put up some more pics.
btw- does anyone else use for their images? I would post mine up here again, but I can't find the urls to the pics! I dont' want to load images twice. Next time I will post on both nano-reef and here!