The canopy is 99% done.

I need to get the newly installed receptacle (for my chiller) moved as it's in the way of opening the canopy..maybe this weekend.
You'll see an awful amount of wires that need to be organized on the left side of the tank. I have 2 dedicated 20 amp circuits and 1 15amp circuit for the tank, just have to decide where I'm plugging what into (nice English...) The wiring inside of the canopy is nice & neat and all tacked/cable tied down.
My MH Aquamedic fixture hangs through the center of the canopy and I have added 4 T 5 lights in there. Currently there are 3 actinic and 1 daylight bulb. I hooked up the 2 fans and the moonlights.
The one pic of the FTS is only with the T5's on.
I just realized I forgot to put the reflectors on the lights... So, they'll be even brighter!
Since I run a mostly softie tank, I'm considering running my MH's (2 x 250w) every other day and the T5's on the other days since my electric bill is (gagging) slightly over 600 per month..argh... If anyone has tried this or has any idea whether it will be successful or not, I'd like to hear some input.
My corals are still all over the place, some are in my 33g Cube (along with my Mandarins) and the rest are in a holding tank, or on the sand bed.
I'll be rearranging things a little at a time and hope to have all in place by the end of the weekend..and then I'll just sit & stare at it... :approve:
Thanks for looking !!
I'm lovin' it!