The 120 is up!!!:fish:
I am beyond exhausted..I might even be writing this while I am sleeping...:sleeping:..but happy:flower:
My thanks to 3 special people from MR...
Jhov..Without you the day would have been 2 hours longer...I can't imagine The next mesh cover is YOURS! Truly appreciate the help today!!:cheekkiss
Awilda..You have a heart of pure gold! You did & do more for me than I deserve. I'm so happy that we are friends!!!!:hug: Thank you for EVERYTHING!!!'ll just call you Mike...When you are hungry, you are the crankiest ba$tard I've ever met. ((Hey Jhov -- I can see you shaking your head 'yes' from here! Ah, but when you are well fed you are stinking awesome :flower:!!!!!!!
A hundred thank you's for all the roles you played in getting this tank set up for me, but most of all for ultra fast reaction when it got ugly there...I owe you for that. Thank you

..and yes, I have been staring at the tank since I got back home...yeah, I know..right
The tank is up & running.... kinda sorta. The corals need to go back in and I need to hook the ATO back up.The light has to get moved forward by a foot (hangs from the ceiling) and I still need to finish the mesh cover & start the canopy.
Most of the rock is back in the tank, though one piece is in there sideways..wasn't easy to see in the cloudy water..need to tweak the rocks over the next couple of days.
The only downside so far (knock wood) was the loss of my Filamented Flasher Wrasse...not sure what happened to him (we thought one fish had jumped when we were moving them back to the tank, but were unable to locate any, so we'd hoped it was only a splash..) but when I came home from dropping off Mike I found him thoughtfully wrapped in a papertowel
We took very few pics..will update with more when the water clears
And this is what I use for a cover when I have zero energy left to build my own mesh cover...please note how useful duct tape and clothespins are at 2