Very nice and unique looking display. I admire your dedication to taking care of those sea fans. Good luck with the OSFF. One of my favorite fish though I have never purchased one.
Very nice and unique looking display. I admire your dedication to taking care of those sea fans. Good luck with the OSFF. One of my favorite fish though I have never purchased one.
Looking great. What has your experience been with the leopard wrasses? I've been thinking of getting one as my centerpiece fish ( gave up the idea of dwarf angel species as being too risky ). I figure it can feast on all my flatworms even if it wont eat prepared foods at first.
I've had good luck getting them to eat prepared foods. The biggest challenge IMO is finding a healthy fish. As long as you have a healthy fish, a deep sand bed (3-4" min) and non-aggressive fish you should be fine. Your tank doesn't have aggressive fish (if I recall correctly) which will make acclimation a tad easier. I do not recall the sand bed though.
I've had two spawnings this week. My Clarkii Clownfish have spawned again and today my Bristletail Filefish has spawned. Good motivation to get my breeding tanks up and running
I did but I wasn't prepared at all. This was the healthiest and most fry I have seen born in a while so I scooped up as many as I can. I kept most in a kreisel but I also put about 10 in my tigger pod culture. I didn't have live rotifers so I ran up to NY Aquarium Service and bought Rotifeast. I'm not even sure if they are live rotis or not :scratch: I put some in with the fry and started a culture with the rest. I also put brine shrimp eggs in the BBS hatchery. We'll see. I have to do a lot of traveling M-W so I don't know if I can care for them properly.
They have changed colors. Some of the females are a marbled black and white. The alrge males are all a light brown as in the picture. The smaller male is the same color as when collected. The mature females coloration is beautiful.