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Staten Island
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I just started my second attempt again after a quick 3 month false start 6 yrs ago. So I am looking for small piece of live rock to seed my dry rock right now. Eventually I'd be interested in small frags to start populating. I'm near the ferry.

As far as online community, I originally used this board when I made my first attempt. This time around, this board seemed extinct so I started using reef2reef which is way more active. Could probably start a thread on their local section for SI. I'd be down to meet and learn from experienced reefers. I don't think there are many if at all LFS on SI anymore. There is one that I've never seen open on Bay st, not sure if they have SW. The one I knew of years ago was south shore and I don't know if it still exists.


Active Reefer
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Just came across mention of this store on Hylan, on reef2reef.

Didn't exist last time I was trying this hobby, but it looks like it might be a good place that is local. Anyone been here or bought stuff from them can confirm their livestock quality?
Yea. Been there abd bought stuff very good place. Also 1st class aquarium on bay street also very good place aswell

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