gtag('event', 'conversion', {'send_to': 'AW-972395556/RN4nCJnV4tkCEKSo1s8D'}); -->
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Search results

  1. is this aiptasia??

    this may help:
  2. Poll: What brand of salt does everyone use?

    i use crystal sea by forty fathoms chris [ December 07, 2001: Message edited by: Nosmada ]</p>
  3. Lava Rock to Live Rock

    ive had lava rock in my tank for about a year now. i had coraline growing on it before i even added any LR. i also dont dose with anything at all. i have had no major problems with my tank at all except your usual hair algae which an enlarged clean up crew has taken care of. chris
  4. I want to drink some green water!

    I would guess a little cocktail sauce with the brine may give them a little better taste. hth, chris
  5. coral banded shrimp

    i agree with dave. my CBS used to act tough. now he gets picked on by my perc.he has turned into pretty much a wimp. chris
  6. Feather Duster AWOL

    My duster has also just "shed" his crown, but i havent seen him out of his tube at all. per the advice of my LFS i am leaving everything alone untill i notice the tube starting to decay.If that happens then most likely he has died. I have asked some other people who's dusters have lost there...
  7. Radio Shack controller no longer available

    i just called a local RS and they said they can get it but it has to be ordered and you must pay in advance, plus 2.50 shipping. maybe theyll take a credit card over the phone. call em if u want i have noticed your from the center of the earth so long distance charges may apply for this call...
