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Oh alright, well as long as you didnt chow on brine shrimp on purpose. The guy i used to work with was siphoning out a dead anemone while paying attention to something else. Think about a mouthfull of rotting anemone spooge next time you sit down for a bowl of clam chowder...


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Chris H,
We're just worried that if you actually get a taste for green water you may then try scraping thread algae off the rocks...then what becomes of the inverts in your tank ?. All die of starvation...bet you haven't thought that far ahead have you ?.


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I would guess a little cocktail sauce with the brine may give them a little better taste.



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I dont eat brine shrimp any more. And they are to small for cocktail sauce. But really, what is wrong with eating little shrimp when we all eat big shrimp?


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What the... Why do you have the urge to drink green water? What next Kalkwasser? Please do not try it.


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This thread is funny. About a year ago a buddy of mine who deals with natural foods was mixing up refresments with spirulina in it. The first though that came to my mind was....hmmm, maybe I should get some of this for my reef tank.


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<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by chris_h:
<STRONG>I dont eat brine shrimp any more. And they are to small for cocktail sauce. But really, what is wrong with eating little shrimp when we all eat big shrimp?</STRONG><HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Nothing, but next time you tasted the freshly died giant clam, let us know if it tastes like shucked oyster.


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<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by danmhippo:

Nothing, but next time you tasted the freshly died giant clam, let us know if it tastes like shucked oyster.</STRONG><HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I would not eat a giant clam that died. When ever I have a giant clam die I always feed it to my anemones. I think they incorporate the clams algea into them. I had a brown anemone that had bleached white, I feed it a dead green clam and it recovered and turned green. Still have the anemone a 8-months later and it has doubled in size and is still green.

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