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  1. Important Overflow Issue

    ONE MORE THING: THE MANDARIN...It survived and flourished. It ate Brine shrimp (frozen), flake food, and pods. It lived until yesterday when all the water came through the seals of my overflow box and flooded my apartment and he was in the overflow box and I shut off the pumps and found him dead...
  2. Important Overflow Issue

    That was my last ditch effort mike. I just looked at all your ideas for the first time today, and I had actually thought about all of them. The thing is, I'm a pretty low-stress guy because I try to avoid stressful situations. However, this one pissed me off to no avail. First the backflow...
  3. Important Overflow Issue

    I have 2 maxi jet 1200's pumping from the fuge into the back of my drilled eclipse 12. I had backflow devices, but the maxi jet would not pump through them. So, I took them off and if the electricity goes out the fuge will overflow. So, my solution is this: 1. Find a proper backflow device that...
  4. Finally got around to getting pics of the 2.5g

    your aquascaping is truly original. while I prefer the "sandy bottom" look, your "rock bottom" look is actually kinda cool. it reminds me of that area of the ocean just before it drops into the deep water. i can't remember what it's called though. anyway, i think you did a good job.
  5. what is this?

    simple easy one, but no pics. i got these black bubbles forming all over my live rock. maybe 1/4 inch in diameter. they are semi flexible, and my girlfriend popped one without asking me and an amphipod scurried away she said, but she wasn't sure if it came out of the bubble. what do i have here?
  6. Please Welcome Nanos Forum's New Moderators!

    cool. you are the nicest and most knowledgeable guys on the subject. and just because i know mutalipassi will read this, your new picture of jacko is straight gay. change it. if you need me to, i can send you some pics of my pimp ride, or some of myself if you are really in the mood. :wink:
  7. where can i get the big copepods?

    aquarium systems. it's kinda wierd, and it was used, but it looks like it'll work well. i just don't know yet. i should know with in the week. thanks for all your support. i'll keep you posted on what happens with my situation. i'll also keep you posted on whether or not insulating my entire car...
  8. where can i get the big copepods?

    yeah :o :D new tank: $202 powerheads: 50 skimmer: 50 plumbing supply: 70 plexiglass for over the tank and for overflow box: 30 live rock: 100 live sand: 30 lights: 200 pods: 30 paint(yup, paint):10 this is all out of the pocket of a guy who has no money. i appreciate all of your advice, but...
  9. where can i get the big copepods?

    he eats frozen brine shrimp, formula one, formula two, and tetra flake food. he's fine, and he'll be more fine in the 27 with the sump. he was already eating this type of food at the fish store where i got him, where he was in a one gallon tank. plus, i'm way overfeeding the tank and doing extra...
  10. what the heck are these...and coralline tip! fa sho!

    okay well then what are the little white things like 1/8 inch in diameter that formed on the back of my tank that look like little dog doo doo's, and kinda like little feather duster tubes?
  11. what the heck are these...and coralline tip! fa sho!

    i got these things on my glass. they are like little 3/16 inch bubbles with little white things in them. i'm thinking eggs of some sort. starfish? stail? polychaete? they are flexible but very tough. i can use a scrubber pad over them and they don't break. also, for bleeding blue and wombat, i...
  12. where can i get the big copepods?

    i need big copepods. not the little 1mm things. i mean the near-centimeter-long beasts. a. I like them. b. Mandarin Gourmet needs them. my fish are named Sharkbait, Sashimi, Jean Claude Van Damsel, and Mandarin Gourmet. The first 3 are fine. the last is hungry.
  13. 1 gallon

    they have 9 watters that are a little shorter too. i saw them at osh
  14. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

    and right under his nose is herman the hermit crab. i didn't even see that before. this nano shizzle is perplex yo!
  15. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

    i figured the odd title would attract attention and comments. here's what I bought: 27 gallon eclipse...oh yeah 8) 100 gph protein skimmer 25 lbs LR + the 10-15 I already had live sand. enough for 3" in the fuge and a little in the display. I may need more 2x55's for the tank along with the...
  16. new light store

    i just bought some lights from innovative lighting solutions. il-solutions.com. i wanted to share because they were pretty cheap. their selection wasn't great, but their diy kits were like $20 cheaper than ahsupply.com. bling! no need to reply, and they are german straight pin, so don't buy a...
  17. hmmm

    matt wandell said that putting it closer to the light would help it. it has only gotten worse since then, could the light be hurting it? i have it about 4" away from a 2x28 kit. i did a water change, and it looks a little better. i changed about 75% of the water. the other piece is all dead now...
  18. hmmm

    i have an anchor coral which came in 2 parts, i.e. there were 2 frags on one rock. the first frag died instantly, but the second one has been doing fine for about a month now. however, now it isn't looking too good, because the polyps are only extended a little under a half of an inch. i have it...
  19. ok now

    oh, well mike never gave you due credit. also, i WILL use 2 maxi jet 1200's. I don't want any stagnant areas. so the questions now are: 1. How large of tubing do I need in and out of the tank. 2. How accurate is Brandon's assessment of the blended copepod situation from the fuge into the tank...
  20. ok now

    i love you brandon. my girlfriend is jealous, but i just straight love you man.
