ive had lava rock in my tank for about a year now. i had coraline growing on it before i even added any LR. i also dont dose with anything at all. i have had no major problems with my tank at all except your usual hair algae which an enlarged clean up crew has taken care of.
My duster has also just "shed" his crown, but i havent seen him out of his tube at all. per the advice of my LFS i am leaving everything alone untill i notice the tube starting to decay.If that happens then most likely he has died. I have asked some other people who's dusters have lost there...
i just called a local RS and they said they can get it but it has to be ordered and you must pay in advance, plus 2.50 shipping. maybe theyll take a credit card over the phone. call em if u want
i have noticed your from the center of the earth so long distance charges may apply for this call...