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  1. ok now

    what are these acronyms? where can I get copepods that are ready to hatch or be raised? will a maxi-jet 1200 really kill all the pods and stuff?
  2. ok now

    what is prefilter? what is detritus? I understand your point brandon, and it is a good one, but I'm not sure i'll be able to put a ten gallon sump on top of a 27 gallon tank. i don't exactly have a monterey bay aquarium for an apartment. underneath just works better all around, so if there is a...
  3. ok now

    here it is. i'm getting a 27 gallon eclipse. my current 10 gal will be the sump. my mandarin stays. hahaha. tough rocks if 27 isn't enough, cause the mandarin will need to cope. i'll just figure out something to feed it. here's the question. i'm going to have 2 powerheads blowing water from the...
  4. new everything please help brandon429

    that's it. i'm hooked. (i hope you appreciate my fish humor) anyways, i got a couple more fish, and i am sick of this ten gallon divided in half b.s. so, i am getting an eclipse system 12. here's the deal. i can rig up the 2x28 kit just fine under the hood, because bleeding blue showed me how. I...
  5. new everything please help brandon429

    that's it. i'm hooked. (i hope you appreciate my fish humor) anyways, i got a couple more fish, and i am sick of this ten gallon divided in half b.s. so, i am getting an eclipse system 12. here's the deal. i can rig up the 2x28 kit just fine under the hood, because bleeding blue showed me how. I...
  6. finally

    will he die otherwise. I was wondering about that, because the half that is closer to the light is fine, but the other half hasn't opened up that much. what do you think?
  7. finally

    hairy mushroom. xenia doesn't look too good because tank got hot when water touched lights one day. hairy mushroom was like dead for a few days and then when the tank got hot he went from .5 to 3 inches across. sick.
  8. finally

    i bought my first coral. i like it.
  9. finally

    here are the 2x28 watt lights
  10. finally

    ok, i haven't posted anything in a while because i wanted to make sure everything wasn't going to die. here are some pics of the construction of the tank. it is a ten gallon divided 60/40 with a 2x28 watt retrofit lighting kit and a 10000K and an actinic light bulb. i have about 12 lbs aragonite...
  11. 20g nano pics

    On the top right of your "Mini Carpet Anemone" picture, there is a blue fuzz ball. What is this?
  12. What fish do you stock your nano with?

    i'm sorry, but not for the goldfish comment. That's just straight comedy. And I do agree with Bleeding Blue on the pairs thing. It just looks better if a tank has a pair of fish. Especially clowns who host in something. Bleeding Blue's Tomato looks great and he has it hosting in a xenia. A...
  13. What fish do you stock your nano with?

    I just wanted to point out that when Bleeding Blue said "I want to add a pair of something," he really meant "I added a pair of tomato clowns, but as a result of my poor care giving, one of them died withing a week, just like the new clam that died within a day last week." Bleeding Blue also...
  14. how do I get this sand to quit blowing around

    You're not funny. I'm funny. If you want to be funny, just do and say exactly the same as me. Well, I guess you look funny though, and I look like a stud. I put in all the stuff and came back ten minutes later and a little starfish was on the glass. He hasn't moved since though. It's almost as...
  15. how do I get this sand to quit blowing around

    I put in new sand about fice hours ago, and it's still blowing around like mad. I can't see anything in the tank. The funny thing is, none of the sand on the bottom is being displaced, meaning the sand in the water is more like dust than like sand. By the way, the 295 gph pump in my tank is way...
  16. 10g Nano Hex

    hey *****, I have a real lighting set up. Just wait until next week when I post my first pictures. I just bought ten powerquad 96W and a 175 Watt. Biotch. Not really, but I do have 2 28 Watt big boys, which means 56 Watts more than anyone who doesn't even have a nano. Yeah, think about that. Put...
  17. 96W PowerQuad vs. 2x55W?

    Is 14 Watts worth all of the BS you will have to go through to get the 2 55's set up. I almost got the 96 watt powerquad, but I only have a 10 gallon NANO, so 2 X 28 Watt was enough. However, if I had to choose, I would definitely take the powerquad, even if it means sacrificing a little light...
  18. 10g Nano Hex

    Yeah, If I was rich, I would probably buy that picture off of you. I'm not rich though, so best of luck selling it on ebay.
  19. wondering what size tank is a nano

    I think that NANO is little tanks. Anything over 10 gallons is pretty big. However, you can't very well say that a 20 gallon is a large tank either. 29 Gallons is pushing 30 though, and 30 is definitely not a NANO. So, I think to answer your question: 10 and under is nano, 30 and over is big...
  20. HELP! Alife hoods are crap! See PICS!

    The more watts the better, I think. As long as you have the same Kelvin rating. Hey, I think it's cool that a law officer has a reef. I thought all officers of the law were spawn of satan and only want to give me tickets for running red lights on my bicycle. (Just yesterday I got one for $81...
