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  1. Blue tangs

    I really don't know that much about it's aggressive / non-aggressive nature, and when to put it in or not... but I do know that, as you said, it will out-grow the 30gallon. I just want to point out that it will likely out-grow your tank WAY faster than you like. From what I've seen, fish that...
  2. black spots in the sand

    The de-nitrifying bacteria that thrive in a DSB are anaerobic, and must be to do their job. (Anaerobic literally means without air... so no oxygen deep in the bed is good) As your sand becomes more 'live' and your critters stir it around, it will be less noticable, I believe. From what I...
  3. Question: T5 / PC wattage difference

    Excellent! I believe that was the advice I was looking for, I just had a problem wording the question correctly. Thanks for all the help!
  4. Question: T5 / PC wattage difference

    Well, I'm not really concerned with the reflectors (just mentioning them, as I've read that the T5 reflectors are usually superior), and I already understand about the color temperatures. I guess what I am trying to figure out is which supplemental bulbs would be more beneficial? I've read...
  5. Question: T5 / PC wattage difference

    Well, this will be take two at my lighting question(s). I have narrowed down my hood choices for my 20g (24"L x 12"W x 16"H), the "Current USA Outer Orbit MH / PC combo" and the "Aqua Medic Ocean Light MH / T5 combo." I want a pre-fabricated hood as I have no skills with electricty or...
  6. Odyssea Metal Halide: price too good to be true?

    Completely agreed with you there(!) and that is coming from someone who also sells on eBay (but that's just random junk I don't need anymore, not really looking for profit, it's just better to make a buck instead of throwing things away). From my limited experience w/ aquaria, eBay seems to be...
  7. Odyssea Metal Halide: price too good to be true?

    To quote the description on the Aqua Traders site, "Odyssea metal halide system comes with non corrosive powder coated housing, built-in cooling fans, three separate on/off switches on external remote ballast controlling HQI, compact fluorescent, bluemoon LED separately, tempered glass splash...
  8. Odyssea Metal Halide: price too good to be true?

    I too came across this lighting not too long ago, and I have the same questions/worries. With a price like that, there HAS to be a catch. It sure is a lot better than the $350 for the Current USA Outer Orbit fixture I've been eyeing up(150w HQI MH, 2x65 watt PCs, and moon lights - all seperate...
  9. New Aquarist, New Tank

    Just for clarification, I believe that Bob's rock is limestone from a quarry... not LR (even though it may be slighty live now), nor previously aquacultured. I read this info in a thread a while back while I was figuring out LR in general. It's a little misleading and I didn't want anyone to...
  10. Red Stuff Please Help

    How many gallons is your tank? I've been told a general rule to go by is between 10-15 (or even 15-20) times the size of your tank per hour. Personally, I'm aiming for a little higher with the tank I'm building now, but it's just preference. A good flow should help reduce the cyano, along...
  11. Cheap sumps

    When I was planning on including a sump into my design, I was going to use a rubbermaid container (as that it was cheap and durable). But if you really want to save money, take a look into your classifides section in the local newspaper, and check around other places for used equipment. Fellow...
  12. Fish Stocking Plan for 300G

    Well, I don't have one, but when I have a large enough tank a foxface will be my 1st investment. Since it sounds like you may be interested, I've seen a few Magnificent's in person... the pictures available online just don't do it any justice (fun personalities too). Just my two cents.
  13. Painting the back of a tank

    I'm thinking of doing the same to my 20g tank here before I set everything up long-term. I enquired about this at my LFS and was suggested that I use a spray-paint designed to be subjected to the elements (i.e. for use outside). Their reasoning was that with all the HOB hardware and possible...
  14. A question for those with experience...

    Thanks everyone for your input thus far. Advice is always appreciated, especially when attempting to plan for the future! Laura D: Your tank looks great, the two of you should be proud! I hope to be able to achieve similar things one day. It's also good to see someone with experience using...
  15. Red Stuff Please Help

    Not only is this unhealthy for the reef systems, but it's not terribly healthy for the collector as well! Aside from the damage being done, you might want to be careful around that sutff! There is plenty of information available on the net of the poisoning of reefs with these and other toxins...
  16. Red Stuff Please Help

    Right... "sleep", I wish really was that harmless. Hopefully this is just someone trolling the boards... but it's still sad to see. Oh well., you live and your learn everyday :cry:
  17. A question for those with experience...

    Greetings, While I have been reading these boards for nearly 6 months now, this is my first post. Before I go any further, I'll quickly introduce myself. I am new to this hobby, all in all. As of now, I do not even have a tank up and running, but I intend to... soon. For the past 8 months...
