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Well, this will be take two at my lighting question(s).

I have narrowed down my hood choices for my 20g (24"L x 12"W x 16"H), the "Current USA Outer Orbit MH / PC combo" and the "Aqua Medic Ocean Light MH / T5 combo." I want a pre-fabricated hood as I have no skills with electricty or woodworking, nor the tools to create a custom hood at this time, not to mention that I would rather stay safe for my first reef tank!

The specs for the Current fixture are:
Dimensions --> 24"L x 15"W x 4.25"H
1x150W - Dual Daylight 10,000K HQI MH
2x65W - Dual Actinic 460nm & 420nm PCs
"Moon White" Lunar Lights
Microprocessor based driving system - 15% more output (if that is something more than a marketing device???)
-- 280 total watts
$359 including shipping


The specs for the Aqua Medic fixture are:
1x250W 10,000K de HQI MH
2x24W - T5 bulbs (Ocean Blue)
No moonlights included
External ballast (not sure of what type)
-- 298 total watts
$469 including shipping


While I know that the 150W included with the Current Fixture would be enough to keep about anything, I would need to keep most of my SPS towards the top. As for the 250W included with the Aqua Medic, I'd be in the clear to arrange in any manner. So I know a lot of you will side with the 250W MH bulb.

My question is actually about the complimentary actinic lighting however, not the MHs. Which setup would be better, what would the difference be between the two types / watts for the bulbs? I've read a lot about T5 bulbs having better reflectors and slighty better output (in ways). However, I have not been able to find any information comparing 65W PCs to 24W T5s. Or would the difference in MHs make all the difference? Are the additional actinics even necessary?

Thanks in advance for everyone's help, I really appreciate it. I'm really trying to do everything right the FIRST time, to save myself some heavy cash in the future!

Cheers - Jamison


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Ok basically the T5 "ocean blue" will literally be blue, you won't get the actinic (Purple) color pop from them, of course with that 250w MH that will overpower it completely and you'll only see blue at dusk/dawn times. The dual actinic lights are actually a purple actinic (420nm) and a blue part (460nm). Now I wouldn't worry too much about reflectors or what not for the actinic lighting, you're not going to get terribly much more lighting out of an already lower lighting bulb (actinic/blue) so I wouldn't worry with that regard.

As to the 250w being overkill, I dont have experience with tanks those size, nor sps gardens but I would think it'd be a bunch overkill.


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Well, I'm not really concerned with the reflectors (just mentioning them, as I've read that the T5 reflectors are usually superior), and I already understand about the color temperatures.

I guess what I am trying to figure out is which supplemental bulbs would be more beneficial? I've read about the 'better output' of T5s and also that PCs are usually better on smaller tanks. But the wattage on these two bulbs are drastically different! So what I'm getting at, would the 24w T5s be putting out something similar to the 65w PCs? Or would it be that even though T5s have the potential to be a little better, with a wattage that low would it be better to go with the supplemental PCs?

So, would a 24W T5 be enough supplemental light? I would rather not spend the money on them if it would be better spent on higher watter bulbs or the sort.

Thanks Again for all the great help thus far!


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The PC fixture will put out more light. PC light is difficult to reflect because of the bulb shape so a lot of light is just wasted.


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Well what do you mean by supplimental light? If you mean will 2 24w "blue" T5 bulbs put a dent in that 250w 10000k MH bulb if it should happen to be too yellow? then I'd say most probably not.

On the other hand the 2 65w PC bulbs will be noticable against the background of a 150w MH if that happens to be too yellow.

Basic watt per "unit of light" is just about dead even between PC & T5s (after all a PC bulbs are basically bent T5s :)), as mentioned though the reflector will be a difference, but I dont think its terribly much different between the two.

For a 20g tank, I would go with the cheaper fixture with the less watt MH bulb. Of course if you want more power by all means go to the 250w, I just don't have very good luck with SPS, and would worry about bleaching them with that much power.


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Excellent! I believe that was the advice I was looking for, I just had a problem wording the question correctly.

Thanks for all the help!

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