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Search results

  1. Memorial Weekend Specials !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Got this beautiful pink margin male wrasse from A/V yesterday. Once again thanks Andy, Richie an Rocco, great deals, keep up the good work.
  2. WYSIWYG - Coral

    Nice collection, glws
  3. ?(?_- )?40-65% off storewide! ?(-_?)?

    The link didn't open up on my phone... Then again must be the app for iPhone.
  4. CBS for trade

    That's TNT...
  5. ?(?_- )?40-65% off storewide! ?(-_?)?

    Nice.... But I can't see anything :/
  6. CBS for trade

    Columbia Broadcasting System.
  7. Pictures from 5-11-14

    Any wrasses?
  8. Wrasse Keeping in a Reef Tank - Hunter Hammond

    Tempting cause I freaking love wrasses, but that's a darn 2/45 hour drive... One way is longer than the actual presentation...
  9. Yikes.

    Yez thanks you'
  10. Yikes.

    Btw spelling guys ... Lets work on it ; )
  11. Yikes.

    For a moment there, it sounded like Rob and Bella were talking about fishtown USA.... That's how they act there, like you don't exist. You have to beg to get serviced over there. But I'm glad that Vince is taking care of you guys.
  12. Never saw this

    Maybe we'll have a gold-clown fish...jk:bablefish
  13. New madden game (trailer)

    So I got an email from easports for the new Madden 15 with an "exclusive" trailer.... Wth!!! There's 30 second of a Carolina panthers line backer sitting in a locker room!! :/ wtf! That's the exclusive video of the new graphics
  14. Never saw this

    Low salinity water in lfs, it's kind of an easy transition for fish that require a little bit of salinity in their water.
  15. Things that possible u the F!!! Off.

    Lmao!!! Try this, fighting green hair algae for 3 years.... :/ that's upsetting!!!
  16. Hello, I'm new to the board..

    I don't know how far is it from where you are ... But Maximum reefs in Yonkers is the place to go. Hope that helps and welcome bud.
  17. R.I.P. Thread

    My mccosker wrasse, jumped out the tank through a space of about 3/4" ... R.I.P.
  18. Fish sale

