Kedd said:The lighting should be at leat 250 MH
400Mh max.
All the way up.
1000MH seem to bleach it out somewhat
This is a very agresive coral!
I puts a huge base down and grows toward other corals to do battle.
This is the reason for the frags, it has to be kept in check.
srry jhale ,,didnt see the post that you got them ,,Ill be in the city tomorrow ,,9th and 14th ,,are you around tomorrowjhale said:? what's up people I've only heard from a couple of you yet.
thanks for the info Kedd.
your sandbed looked good, but it's new, lol
I'm not against sandmeow.
Kedd said:Hey,now I'll have ten new people to get it back from if mine ever craps out.