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I agree with wedfr. Why will people go to places like fish town, pay $4 per pound for live rock thats is partially cured and brown and think they're getting a deal? Most places that have quality live rock sell between 5-7 dollars per pound.
Everyone is entitled to thier opinion but the guy is offering rock with lots of zoo's + frags as extras. I just don't understand why we must cut each others throats here.
I also dont see a need to keep things private. What are we hiding?...the price you pay for livestock or low ball offers? We all know it's an expensive hobby. I don't think it's getting too personal to know that you spent $100 for an acro, or $50 for zoo's, or $5 for rock...etc.
At $5 per pound with all the zoo's and frags etc., I don't think he'll have a tough time selling the rock. I don't mean to offend anyone on this board. In fact, I think the majority of you are really great guys. There are cheapos here though :D I routinely state "no PM's for all you cheapos" in most of my selling threads simply because I hate to respond to very low offers on some quality S***. It's actually quite insulting :(
Had to get that off my chest :D


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Wedfr: Maybe you can take current pics of the rocks covered with corals and zoos. That way people can actually see how great of a deal they are getting. Its always hard to sell something without providing a picture. Just my 2 cents!

No more arguing, lets enjoy this hobby and help eachother out!


[ March 16, 2004, 12:05 PM: Message edited by: heuerfan ]


The All Powerful OZ
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I think everyone is looking for a deal, specially when someone is selling off their whole tank. ;)

Let face it most of the time the person selling will not get back the money that they spent in the first place. I think that a seller has to realize this and also know that people are looking to get it as cheap as possible from them.

I think if everything is out in the open with no private emails, like Jackson said, it would make things much better for everyone. Everyone would see what the seller wants and what he willing to acccept to do a deal on the items. Also if a buyer offers something to the seller there maybe another person that maybe interested in that item and could make a deal with the buyer for something else. Just makes for more trading.

Finally what Steven says does make the most sense, just show a picture of the items. This will settle all kinds of debates about whether an item is worth the price or not, and like Steven said get more people interested in the item.



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wedfr - I think you have misunderstood me - I pm'd you a reasonable offer for the rock, having never seen any photos of it, just your written description. I often buy very nice "show pieces" in the 15 to 20 pound range that are fully cured, coralline encrusted and sometimes have hitchhicker polyps..for this type of rock $3 to $4 per pound is the norm. If you want to recoup your investment - more power to ya. I think all of us in this hobby would like to do the same when it comes time to part with things. As far as you stating here that I said your trying to rip people off - you better go back and check your email, cause I NEVER SAID SUCH A THING. Get your story straight before you say something like that..



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I think everyone (myself very much included) has an opinion on this. All good. Unfortunately when all is said and done Joe E Puplic looking to buy some rock now has to read through this whole novela. Wedfr I believe posting pics would help you get what you deserve for the work and care you put into what you sell. However the words firm and flexable also carry wieght. IMO I dont think calling someone out on what they want, or what they offer is very productive.(thanks but no thanks works all the time)

[ March 16, 2004, 05:43 PM: Message edited by: 4angel ]


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holy **** didnt think it would turn into a public debate on selling dos and donts and whatnot.

Kelly, If you can get rock like you say please let everyone in on it because you found a hell of a place.

I origianlly posted my asking price, if i didnt and someon low balled me i could accept it more but when i get offered half or less then my asking price thats hard to swallow.

If anyone wanted pics all they had to do is ask they dont have to low ball me becaue i didnt post any. Jeez.

I didnt post pics because the ones i have are all over 100-200K and i figured it would be a real PITA for some poeple so id just email them to interested parties and i still will.

I agree with Jackson, Its insulting to get offers like that, also why the need to keep it private? are you embarrased at the offers youve made? if so dont even make them.


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You guys need to STFU. Seriously. Hey, if you want to sell your stuff at whatever price, that's your business. I for one have the power to like it or not. I don't see what the debate is about. It is what it is.

Good luck selling your stuff, if i was in the market i'm sure i would have bought some of it. Sometimes we pay more for less, so this might very well be a good deal. Take it with a grain of salt.

Oh and i didn't want to be rude by saying to STFU, but sometimes it's the best remedy. Peace out.

richie c

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I think alot of people try to nickel and dime for items they know they are getting a bargain on.

To many people are wasting everyones time by bad mouthing what peolpe are asking for.

I feel if you have been JUSTLY screwed by someone then by all means let everyone know.

I've had the pleasure to meet and purchase alot of livestock and equipment from people i am proud to say are really good people.

I sometimes prefer to pm or email because i may have questions about whats being sold and am tired of having to read someones comments about what i may post. Or if i want someone to contact me via phone withpout posting a number.

And to come to wedfr defense i asked for pics and he emailed me them.
again not by posting. (not everyone wants their email address given)

And lastly We all spent alot of money in our love of the hobby, but lets be reasonable in what we expect back. you cant expect top dollar for things you can by new for a few dollars more.

Lets all enjoy and stop becoming LFS owners.


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Hey guys, how bout this. If someone is selling something and you dont liek the price just dont reply. Nobody is strong arming anyone into buying something. Just becuase you want something and think you should get a bargain basement price doesnt make you right for offering or commenting on a price someon is asking. Just move on and look elsewhere I dont see what is such a big deal.

I understand i am asking a lot and i know most poepel wont be interested but i paid top dollar for all my equipment and livestock becasue i only bought the best. I think i am just in asking the 600 especially for all thats going with it.

How bout we end it here and let poepel who may be interested in the rock reply or not have to read through pages of this stuff.


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just to jump on the bandwagon here... that is a really damn good deal. I would like to know a better source to buy from than a healthy tank like this. If I didnt just fill my tank with some nice $5+ a lb rock, I would be all over it.


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wasabi, finally a guy that knows a deal when he sees one.

Anyway for the rest of you, you can eat your words the rock is sold and for not a penny under my asking price.

Sorry dreko rock is gone


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I have for sale my 65 gallon reef tank, my live rock stock , 75pound cured figi live rock , my corals, healthy and some large size , my setup and the lighting call or email for prices -great deal 1-212-860-9502 tigerdenis at yahoo dot com


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all my live stock for sale- live rocks 75pound cured ( figi and tonga branch) my fish yellow tank marron, etc etc , my corals beautiful good size piece , my lighting 2x175w 140 000 metal halide lamp with - automatic fan - filters etc everything for sale - first - best served 1-212-860-9502 or tigerdenis at yahoo dot com

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