This post is made as Brett the person, not bad coffee the mod. My moderator duties have nothing to do with this post.
I'm sorry about the dog. I have a hard time saying it was your dog in the short time you had it. If it was indeed 'your' dog, you'd still have it. You would have kept it and gotten it the medical attention it needed instead of sending it back to the shelter.
I really dislike when people get pets when they don't have the time/attention/finances to take care of it. It's why I have fish. I work a crazy schedule and I'm not home all the time to walk/train a dog. I'd really like a dog, but I know I don't have time, so I won't be getting one anytime soon. It's also the reason I don’t' have a 120 gallon tank. I can't afford it. Sure, I can afford to set it up. But I don't have the extra cash for the increased electric bill, more salt, more di cartridges, etc.
I also find it hard to think the vet’s office won't let you pay in installments. Say $20 a week. Sure, it will take you a year to pay it off, but you won't have to take out a loan and pay the fees and interest. If the office says they won't put you on a payment plan, tell them "it's either $20 a week or nothing. Your choice"
I have a problem with you (or anyone) using an aquarium board to pay for your vet bill. Pretty soon we'll have someone posting, "Please help. I can't make rent but I don't want to sell my 150gallon tank!" It's the same to me. You need cash, and you have items to sell. Frag your corals, keep the frags, and sell the main colonies. Sell some old equipment you have lying around. Just set a price and sell them. Subtract what you get in the sale from $900 and keep going. Once you hit $0 needed to pay the bill, STOP. If you have to break down your tank, for a while, sell only what you need to pay the bill. Hey, it's a good way to upgrade! Sell your old stuff and when you have the money saved up, get newer and better!
But you auctioning things off and then giving the 'extra' to the shelter doesn't work for me. If you want to start a thread for donations to the place you got the dog, Great! I bet they have a paypal address for donations. I'll gladly donate to a no-kill shelter. And if you still had that 58gallon tank I'd buy it from you for a good price to help you out. But sending you cash for the vet bill won't happen. Sorry.
Just my 2 cents.