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a lot of people are talking about making donations of corals towards the ER bill, i want to have a aution on the 14th i just don't know when or where. my plan is to raise as much money as i can, and if we raise more money then whats needed for the bill i am going to donate it to " Homeward Bound Dog Rescue of New York " they are the ones that have the dog and are paying for the rest of his medical bills.please help out this is all for a good deed.

thank you MH


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i am donating

1. cpr 430 wet-dry with skimmer
2. (3)sm orange cap
3. red blasto
4. green blasto
5. purple plate
6. green purple tip frogspawn
7. green branching hammer
8. brown with green tip frogspawn
9. purple rim cap
10. green monti digitata
11. orange monti digitata
12. purple monti digitata
13. green monti cap
14. sun coral
15. green milli
16. green plate coral
17. green mush rock 10 (shrooms) also with baby rbta
18. lg green acro
19. asst zoos frags
20. set breeding pair of pure albino het redtail boas. starting bid with set up $500
21. and deff more
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bad coffee

Inept at life.
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This post is made as Brett the person, not bad coffee the mod. My moderator duties have nothing to do with this post.

I'm sorry about the dog. I have a hard time saying it was your dog in the short time you had it. If it was indeed 'your' dog, you'd still have it. You would have kept it and gotten it the medical attention it needed instead of sending it back to the shelter.

I really dislike when people get pets when they don't have the time/attention/finances to take care of it. It's why I have fish. I work a crazy schedule and I'm not home all the time to walk/train a dog. I'd really like a dog, but I know I don't have time, so I won't be getting one anytime soon. It's also the reason I don’t' have a 120 gallon tank. I can't afford it. Sure, I can afford to set it up. But I don't have the extra cash for the increased electric bill, more salt, more di cartridges, etc.

I also find it hard to think the vet’s office won't let you pay in installments. Say $20 a week. Sure, it will take you a year to pay it off, but you won't have to take out a loan and pay the fees and interest. If the office says they won't put you on a payment plan, tell them "it's either $20 a week or nothing. Your choice"

I have a problem with you (or anyone) using an aquarium board to pay for your vet bill. Pretty soon we'll have someone posting, "Please help. I can't make rent but I don't want to sell my 150gallon tank!" It's the same to me. You need cash, and you have items to sell. Frag your corals, keep the frags, and sell the main colonies. Sell some old equipment you have lying around. Just set a price and sell them. Subtract what you get in the sale from $900 and keep going. Once you hit $0 needed to pay the bill, STOP. If you have to break down your tank, for a while, sell only what you need to pay the bill. Hey, it's a good way to upgrade! Sell your old stuff and when you have the money saved up, get newer and better!

But you auctioning things off and then giving the 'extra' to the shelter doesn't work for me. If you want to start a thread for donations to the place you got the dog, Great! I bet they have a paypal address for donations. I'll gladly donate to a no-kill shelter. And if you still had that 58gallon tank I'd buy it from you for a good price to help you out. But sending you cash for the vet bill won't happen. Sorry.

Just my 2 cents.


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This whole thing was not my idea it was actually chongpark127 and other members of MR. Everyone is helping me because they do not want to see a member have to loose all of their pets because of an accident. if you don't want to be apart of a good thing you don't have to. nobody is making you. thanks for you 2 cents.


120 Club Member
Norwalk, CT
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hey drenalyn9...can you put up some pics? i'd like to bid on a few items, however I will be out of town the 2nd half of this month. I'f def interested in the musroom rock with the rbta and some digis. Then if any $$ leftover the zoos and blastos.


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bad coffee
please make up you mind . if you are mod and think this is against MR rules close the thread or move it to to nudi bar
FYI this is a a very sensetive subject and this is not a sensetive 2 cents from you as a MR member. This guy ask for help where he hoped he will get it and not a trashing


Old School Reefer
Bronx, NY 10475
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bad coffee
please make up you mind . if you are mod and think this is against MR rules close the thread or move it to to nudi bar
FYI this is a a very sensetive subject and this is not a sensetive 2 cents from you as a MR member. This guy ask for help where he hoped he will get it and not a trashing

Greg: Brett made it clear that he was not addressing Drenalyn as a Moderator. There is nothing wrong with this thread. That's why it remains open and unmoved. With that said, not every post made by a MR member needs to be or has been "sensitive." If other members disagree with Brett, they will voice their opinion just like you did. If there are members who agree with Brett, their posts are also welcomed.



Weehawken, NJ
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Its very hard for anyone to make up their minds on this subject. Had it stayed with the other thread we would have probably let it go since people offered but this thread is straight up asking for donations. We are not sure quite how appropriate it is as there are no specific guidelines or rules on this matter. That being said the rules will have to be revised. The reason why this thread has not been closed is that no on want to be the incensitive prick that closed the thread.

I do feel for the situation. Its very sad. I own 3 dogs and 4 cats as well as fish, so I know what kind of things dogs and cats can and will do. I have one that jumps 7 feet without even a running start.

But now comes the thrashing from me.

If someone is to adopt an animal such as a dog it is firstly the responsibility of the shelter and the new owner to make sure that the house is dog proofed. (For the dogs safety) Most of it is just common sense. The least you can do, is to ensure their safety. Secondly, how can you take on a pet without an emergency fund? Thats just cruel. I call it negligence. Its that simple. The fence was obviously not high enough. Why was the dog out there with a short fence especially if you dont know how high it can and will jump?

The reason why I am pissed with this situation is that now the shelter has a crippled dog. The responsibility was just passed on. It seems to me that all that is worried about is the 900 bucks. I just dont think thats right. There are plenty of vets in the city that give a payment plan. If this particular one doesnt just PM me his number. Ill have a talk with him. I guarantee you that he will.

In this day in age, I will gladly give to a shelter directly but I dont like to give to a middleman. I dont know Drenalyn so I am in no position to say if he is a good guy or not.

So, people who want to give, by all means do. Those who dont, dont. This is a public forum in which people reply to the thread starter. Lets not get into bashing Badcoffee or myself. If you have something to say you can send me a PM or email another mod.


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Why does this thread have to turn into this. i am selling my stuff for a reason, i posted the reason because i felt i should. Members that are a part of this site have decided that they would like to help and are helping. and i am very greatful for it. i don't want any drama. i just want to sell my stuff. this whole situation that i am going through has left me depressed and stressed and stuck in a money pit. so if you are a member and you want to help out. then don't. but please, please i am begging you. please don't make this whole situation harder then it already is. if you feel your against whats going on then be against it. but please don't put me down and try to ruin my mission. i would never do that to anyone. we are all adults here. i am person that is caring and is always out to help ask. anyone of my friends.

thank you everyone that is being a friend and helping me.

And thank you to everyone that is against my auction and not trying to ruin it.


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snf (39).gif


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very sorry about the situation you are stuck with.

But what everybody is saying is that if you did not have what it took to take care of the dog then you SHOULD NOT have taken the dog. It should not even be in this situation to begin with, of course unexpected events occur.

I believe the reason why they are upset is because of your lack of responsibility for the dog. Being able to take care of a dog is not just a leash. Its just like saying you have a reef tank and you dont have enough money to provide it salt for water changes. I dont know... Anyhow I hope everything goes well for the dog, so sad it had to go through all of that.


Reef Geek
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we have no way of predicting anything, when you adopt a dog you dont expect a 900 dollar hospital bill with it. Having a saltwater tank without salt is WAY diffrent. Salt can be bought for twenty dollars at the most, so personally i think thats a bad analogy. Second of all, anyone that knows Dave, knows that this isnt bogus. Dave has helped me through everything and was like a big brother to me. And it was an idea made by myself and other MR's, to help someone that helps everybody else. Dave broke down my tank, rebuilt it, and blew off his gf of 4 years on his day off...... just so my tank could look the way it does. Its so easy for everyone to bash the thread because it hasnt happened to them. Im not judging anyone, but some people are complaining just to complain. If you dont want to contribute, feel free to read, if u do want to contribute im sure that it wont be forgotten. But im going to do everything i can to keep this thread going. And im going to donate everything that i can to help dave. To everyone else that have some negative feedback...... have a nice day, and i hope something like this wouldnt happen to you.
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