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First off::hug: HUG for DAVE! I have two :dog::dog2: and would be heart broken if anything happend to them.
Second: Okay.... you gentlemen do have hearts and emotions~> :eek: its great to feel like I'm not the only one with PMS...
Guys listen whats done is done! :rolleyes:CHill and lets get down to business...
Where and when are you having "the Auction"?
Third: Can't we all just get along?:grouphug:
P.S. Dave couldn't you just use a credit card? I do it all the time (*just don't tell my hubby:wink1: )


No Coral Here
Montclair, NJ
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Don't let them get to you. I am probably one of the few who actually talked to you and heard the whole story. I can hear in your voice how upset you are. People make mistakes (although there is always a few who like to point fingers like they don't). I had someone yell at me one time in Manhattan to keep my dog on a leash without even knowing that someone was petting my dog and unlocked the leash by accident. Thank God nothing happened to my dog but people should really know the whole story before they open their mouth. I guess it was my fault the leash got unlocked because I didn't run it through a crash test like a car :irked:. Everyone knows you can't prevent and check for every potential problem. People who have kids or babysit for the family know what I am talking about.

As far as the money, there is a point to what people are saying. But as far as I see it, you are doing the best you can to right the situation and that is respectable. I think what upset people was the request to have money sent to you rather than directly to the shelter. You should post the shelters contact info and people can donate under your name. I know it isn't easy to think through every detail when you are in a tough situation but some people can't wait to point out a negative.

I am still willing to help you and I suggest you focus your time and energy with the others who are too.


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its about time people who feel for me are speaking out thank you everyone who is supporting me. i should have pics of tyhe stuff i am selling shortly.

i don't have a location for the aution yet and if we can make this happen i am deff going to find one thanks again for you support

if anyone has any ideas please speak out. thank you MR

House of Laughter

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Ossining, NY
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Everyone has an opinion about ethics (how people conduct themselves) and that is always a sticky wicket when being discussed.

I recommend closing this thread and starting a new one with pictures and asking prices for each coral or piece of equipment so that there is no confusion - I would also put the experience you had in the first post and there is nothing wrong with that - accidents happen, but the best way to avoid them is to plan appropriately.

That being said, close the thread, post a new one with your story and sell your stuff - this thread, as well as the "bashing" shows that MR cares, it's just that is getting overlooked - if they didn't care, they would be posting in another thread.

My opinion!



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i look at it like this sometimes we dont know what we get ourselves into and often make the mistake of taking on responsibilties that we are not prepared to handle.i fought long and hard with my wife and kids trying to explain to them why we cant have a dog and how we were not ready to take on such a big responsibilty being that the $$$ just wasnt there.anyway needless to say i got the dog and it does cost,but i had to sacrafice alot of things to have money put away for such things.in a way it upsets me that you ditched the dog,but i understand that it took something bad to happen for you to realize that this aint a fishtank,and the most credit i give you is for getting rid of your stuff to pay for the bill.someone else could of just said "TO HELL"and went about his business.but good luck man and i wish you the best.


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I'm sorry DRENALYN9, but I have to agree with brett and aaron23, having two dogs myself and being a licensed vet tech. I do feel that you shouldn't have to rely on the sympathy of animal lovers to pay off your vet bill. I my self would have never ever gone that route. The responsibilty of caring for your animals is yoursand not everyone elses, and if you can't afford or find other ways to make payments in a unexpected situation like this then you should be adult enough not to give into your whims of adopting a pet. Don't get me wrong I really feel for you and I know how expensive a vet bill can get. But You should be adult enough to find ways of paying off the dept yourself , like selling your tank etc... put the bill on a credit card.. or pay the vet off in installments...what you are doing IMO is no different then those pan handlers you have to fight off in the subways...
sorry but that's the way I feel , been there and done that..
wishing you all the best I really am...


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Everyone needs to smoke a phatty, drink a cold beer and chill. Leave dave alone, it was my idea to donate corals to sell so i can help dave raise some money to help pay the hospital bill. I dont understand what the big deal is about. Friends help friends in their time of need, not turn their backs. A couple of months ago a bunch of u MR members went up to poughkeepsie to donate corals to another member who had a sad story, to help a friend in his time of need but nobody made a big deal about that, so why are u guys causing drama over this. Dont worry dave, i still got ur back!!!


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Ok Can we end the fight, I don't care who has who's back and who likes or dislikes the idea. he guy is selling some stuff, if you want it post dibs, if you don't leave it alone. Dave sell your stuff, everyone else buy or don't buy but for god sakes the ethics of this thread have been beaten to death and the rights and wrongs have been written on the wall at least 10 times already.

I agree with House, close this thread and pit up another thread with pics of the stuff you are selling and leave it at that.
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