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I have Gotten my self into a money pit, i adopted a dog on sunday and 24 hours later when he saw me walking towards my house he was so excited he jumped a 5 ft fence and was struck by a car going 40 mph, his original ER bill was $900 and then now he is in the hospital in ICU and i cant pay for his surgury on his leg nor hospital bills so i was forced to sign him back over to the adoption agency. i had the dog for only 24 hours in my possesion and now hes gone, and now i am stuck with the ER $900 bill. i am happy for the dog because now he is going to get the medical attention that he deserves. but i have two weeks two pay a 900 dollor bill.

my plan is going to chop up my tank, i am going to make two different group buys one will be a lps package and the other sps. i am also going to be selling my mh, i have a dual electronic 175 watt mh kit with two new 175 watt iwasaki double filiment bulbs i am asking $200 and then with the coral,s i don't know yet. the problem that i have is i moved to albany 1 month ago and actually MikeR32 has been taking care of my tank perfectly. so i am doing a group buy 2 packages and doing 2 pickups or even one. as soon as i get the picks up they will be on the market.

i don't know if anyone likes snakes but i have two PURE ALBINO HET RED TAIL BOAS (male and female set up for breeding)for sale, i paid $400 dollars for the pair over a year ago, they have about 1 year till they breed, and 25% of there babies will be albinos (they are live berers) and they albinos sell for $1200 a piece and they can have a liter bwt 30-40 will a 10% death rate. you do the math. i am asking $600 for the pair and $700 with the tank or obo

please help me i am totaly screwed right now and need help. on top of dealing with losing my pup and seing a helpless animal get hit by a vehicle, i feel like dirt and have no money to pay for all of the expences.

Thank You Manhattan Reefers
David de Leon
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very srry to hear what happened to the dog ,its not your flaut you couldnt perdict what the dog could of done ,youre doing the right thing.

Also srry that you have to sell verything to pay of this.

i would put everything in the forsale forum and non reeef items in the nudibar .

good luck , :( i can put in $20 to help you out its not much ,,maybe some other will help you as well ,i hate to see you lose all your pets :(


Reef Geek
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it sux u have to get rid of the tank... you were my mentor and basically got me into the hobby... if it wasnt for u my tank wouldnt be as awsome as it is now....


Advanced Reefer
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Damnnnn, sorry to hear that dave, i might be interested in some of ur corals and lights. But b4 u decide to totally break down ur whole tank, lets try to get the money without selling ur whole setup. I have a few corals i'm willing to donate and the proceeds would go to u to help save ur little puppy. Call my cell dave and let me know if i can do anything else to help. U helped save my tank, let me help save urs.
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wow, so sorry that happened. the one bright spot is the dog will be okay. however being left with the bill is no fun.

due to the circumstances post all you want to sell in one thread in the for sale section.

- jonathan


Senior Member
Westchester, NY
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Sorry for the loss of your dog Dave. Hate to see you sell your livestock and part of your tank setup.

Dave has some nice corals that are very healthy and thriving. So anyone who is interested in buying some corals to help him out will be getting some nice pieces...


Advanced Reefer
San Juan, PR
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:confused: is the doggy dead or not? i hope he's ok. sorry to hear.

two weeks to pay $900:bigeyes:. can't you take out a loan or something? i haven't seen your tank but it would suck for you to have to give your prized corals.


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My dog was killed by a car about a year ago, so I know how you feel.

I pm'd you about everything else.


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the dog is alive and all the other medical care that he deserves is getting taken care off, this whole thing sucks and i only had the pup for 24 hours before the inccident.

thank you everyone


120 Club Member
Norwalk, CT
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sorry to hear about your dog. I have 2 dogs so I feel your pain. Instead of getting rid of all your livestock just sell some frags so you can remain in the hobby. I will jump in on some to help raise $$$.


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Thank you to everyone, i am so happy that MR has such great people and is helping me with the situation. for donations i will PM an adress to mail any donations to. thank you all for your help i am very greatful


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Helping Dave Fund

I have a few corals for donations to help pay some of those expenses. I will post pics later, but this is what i'm donating to help dave. I'm not sure exact prices for the pieces, but since this is for a good cause, please be generous.

1. Purple tip anenome
2. Green blastos
3. Fire and ice zoos
4. Small frag orange cap
5. Small frag green cap w/purple rim
6. More to be listed later

If ur interested in any of these pieces, please pm me, pick up in westchester

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