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Are these seahorses any diff from the ones at the lfs in terms of current, living with diff kind of fish, etc...?

Im interested, but I want to see if I can add one or a pair to my system.

These are very different. They have not been shipped halfway around the world, they have been acclimated to aquarium living since birth. They also move around a lot more! All around a much healthier animal.
They do not mind current at all. Fish that are not so free swimming would be perfect i.e. Manderin's, goby's, clowns...

Sorry George I couldn't resisst
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I have neither a heater or chiller on the baby tank, and it stays around 72 to 73. Todd at LI Aqaurium keeps his at 75. Really, the cooler, the better within the 70s range, because a nasty bacteria called vibrio proliferates the higher you go. Low 70s is best, and anything above 75 is asking for trouble.


Wish I could buy some George, they look and sound great. I tried them a few months back but my tank was closer to 78. I bought a "warm water" species as they were called which supposedly did ok up to 78 degree water but they didn't make it past 2 weeks...
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The only good crab:
Long Island
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A few questions for you,
are any still available?
What temperature is your tank running now?
If still available I would like to come next weekend (not this coming) to see them and possibly purchase 2.

Yes, plenty available. You can view them live on the webcam mentioned in Post #1.

Temperature 72 -- but you can go a few degrees higher if you wish, just avoid upper 70s.

Call me when you're ready to come (my cell is temporarily toast, so use home phone in Post #1).

Thanks for your interest.



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I feed two to three times a day -- two is the minimum, once per day is not enough for Seahorses because they have a short digestive tract.

They're very good eaters! You'd be amazed at how fast they can swim to the front of the tank when they see you coming to feed them.


Is there anyway to automate the feeding? My brother really wants me to get him a saltwater setup for his daughter to enjoy. He has been learning from me and I can help him. These sound like they would be great for him if I can figure out the feeding. Most days he could feed before work and after but I don't know about if he had to leave for a day or two. Also what size tank do you recommend?


The only good crab:
Long Island
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Is there anyway to automate the feeding? My brother really wants me to get him a saltwater setup for his daughter to enjoy. He has been learning from me and I can help him. These sound like they would be great for him if I can figure out the feeding. Most days he could feed before work and after but I don't know about if he had to leave for a day or two. Also what size tank do you recommend?

No, this would definitely be a problem. In nature Seahorses are predators and eat only live food. We, as aquarists, teach them to eat fresh frozen critters, but that's the best we can do -- I've never heard of a SH eating dry food, so an automatic feeder simply wouldn't work.

An anecdote: Someone once gave me a locally caught SH that he had had for a month. He told me it was eating flake food! No way! The poor thing was so emaciated that it was beyond saving.



Advanced Reefer
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No, this would definitely be a problem. In nature Seahorses are predators and eat only live food. We, as aquarists, teach them to eat fresh frozen critters, but that's the best we can do -- I've never heard of a SH eating dry food, so an automatic feeder simply wouldn't work.

An anecdote: Someone once gave me a locally caught SH that he had had for a month. He told me it was eating flake food! No way! The poor thing was so emaciated that it was beyond saving.


What about with that seahorse feed trough that you came up with and some sort of pump to pump fresh thawed food into? I dunno just a thought.


north jersey
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north jersey
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really cool man, love what your doing. very novice question out of curiosity. Could you keep a pair in a mixed reef with other reef safe fish? if so what is a good tank size to do so in.

i'll answer this for george.
not likely for a typical mixed reef.... the temperature for a mixed reef will most like be higher than 72-75. also the ponies are too slow to compete for the mysis with other fish.
i did however kept a pair of ponies(6"+) with a couple of wartskin anglers(1 1/2") plus some mushrooms, paly's, zenia and macro algae in a cooler ~75 degree tank. it was a decent compromise for all inhabitants.




north jersey
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thanks for the answer, learned something new today. Im upgrading my 10gal nano this week, something like that would be a awesome way to convert my 10gal

a standard dimensions 10 gallon tank is not so good for these bigger breed of seahorses. (might be ok for the dwarf seahorses...those guys are like an inch or smaller) they should be in a tank taller than 12"..... preferably taller than 16-18".


The only good crab:
Long Island
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a standard dimensions 10 gallon tank is not so good for these bigger breed of seahorses. (might be ok for the dwarf seahorses...those guys are like an inch or smaller) they should be in a tank taller than 12"..... preferably taller than 16-18".


Thanks very much for helping me field these questions! That was a very pretty pair that you had, were they H. reidi?

To everyone asking questions about tank size, and temperature:
I provided some links in my original post representing hours of reading! If you want to cut to the chase, please just take 10 minutes to read these two links:



Both are by Dan Underwood -- and he does say you can keep them at higher temperatures, but he explains very well the ramifications of doing so.

The ones I'm selling get fairly large -- everyone who has been here and seen "dad" has remarked about his size. And if you've been to Long Island Aquarium (formerly Atlantis) you've seen the exact same big boys in their Seahorse tank.

If you want a dwarf species, click on H. zosterae on Dan's site. Smaller tank, less expensive, the only hitch is that no one has yet been able to get these guys to accept anything but live food -- and that means a constant supply of copepods and/or newly hatched baby brine shrimp.

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Experienced Reefer
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I picked up these two seahorses from George and they are absolutly gorgeous! I picked them up a few weeks ago and they aclimated to my tank extremely quickly. Now they are very active and eat mysis like pigs! I was curious to see if I could influence their coloration by placing some fake orange macros in the tank and they have been turning more and more orange everyday. These guys are truly amazing creatures. For anyone that is looking for seahorses, George is definitly the guy to go to for healthy specimens.


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The only good crab:
Long Island
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Thanks, Randall. I appreciate the endorsement! And I'm glad they're doing so well. That's neat about the color change. They will be 20 weeks old tomorrow. Did I tell you their birthdate? It's April 18th, at noon!


I picked up these two seahorses from George and they are absolutly gorgeous! I picked them up a few weeks ago and they aclimated to my tank extremely quickly. Now they are very active and eat mysis like pigs! I was curious to see if I could influence their coloration by placing some fake orange macros in the tank and they have been turning more and more orange everyday. These guys are truly amazing creatures. For anyone that is looking for seahorses, George is definitly the guy to go to for healthy specimens.
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Addicted to coral
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great to here there doing good!!! Good to know that they went to good home!!

I picked up these two seahorses from George and they are absolutly gorgeous! I picked them up a few weeks ago and they aclimated to my tank extremely quickly. Now they are very active and eat mysis like pigs! I was curious to see if I could influence their coloration by placing some fake orange macros in the tank and they have been turning more and more orange everyday. These guys are truly amazing creatures. For anyone that is looking for seahorses, George is definitly the guy to go to for healthy specimens.

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