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My Nitrates wont go down they are at about 40 and it has me worried ... I have cleaned the Bio-balls within a one week period , I have also done some two water changes in that same time ...
My tank is 120 G Fish only , 2 clown fishes , 1 Hippo Tang , 4 Chromis and a very small cleaning crew ... What do I do


Advanced Reefer
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Add some macroalgae to consume the nitrates. Something like chaeto is non-invasive, or you could go with some more decorative algaes. Check www.reefcleaners.org for some different types of algae. Are you running a sump?


Experienced Reefer
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Try upping the precentage of water that is changed for a few weeks. maybe 25% for the next two weeks. I also agree with adding some macros. I have placed orders from reefcleaners.org and they have some great stuff. I put some of the macro from there in my tank from the begining, and have never had any problems


Experienced Reefer
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plants that will grow in your display or sump. they consume nitrates in the aquarium, thus reducing the amount in the water. some of the ones offered in the afformantioned website are really nice looking too. they seem to have lower light requirements than corals as well. some fish, like tangs and butterflys use them as food.


Old School Reefer
Far Rockaway
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You do not have to many fish in your tank! Is the T1000 the TurboFlotor Multi 1000?

Get rid of the Bio Balls! Do you have a sump or a wet/dry? Have you cleaned out your sump lately? Is your skimmer operating properly? Have you cleaned the skimmer's pump and especially the air intake?
How long has the tank been running? And were your nitrates ever low?

Feed less often, try once a day and very little at that..;)

Check one of my tanks out:
Click here: "120 FOWLR that almost wasn't" - Manhattan Reefs
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Defiantly get rid of the bio balls, increase water changes and think about changing the food up once in a while. Pellets are great substitute because flakes seem to float and get sucked into the overflow before the fish really get a chance to get to them, in-turn increasing your nitrate levels.

I would not feed twice a day for now, try once every other day.

Good Luck


Forever Noob
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If you want a quick fix- some say it doesn't work but it has for me. Amquel+ worked great removed my nitrates (it's the tap water conditioner). Also make sure your test kit isn't expired. I am truly wondering what is wrong with your tank, in my eyes you have like no bioload (for those who have seen my tank... you know why I say this haha).

I agree with everybody on the MacroAlgae part. It is truly beneficial.

Many members say remove the Bioballs because most of us love the Berlin Method of filtration which is Liverock + Live Sand that have denitrifying bacteria. I personally don't see anything wrong with the Bioballs because it provides so much surface area for bacteria to colonize and populate, BUT you must make sure the Bioballs are cleaned and dipped into RO water everyweek.

The crucial part is that when you do maintenance on them/get rid of your Bioballs you have to take out a little bit at the time. You don't want the bacteria population decreased in one fell swoop.

What Thatguy96 said is correct. Flakes can potentially be a problem if your fish aren't aggressive feeders (meaning make their way to the top and grab the flakes).
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try to hold off on water changes and see if the nits go up test weekly.
if its stabalized then you should be fine and don't worry. either do a quick fix like advised or just do small amount of water changes till it decreases to zero.
if the nits go up every week then somethings wrong.
I only say that because i have the same setup as you 120 with a sump and i have
a lionfish 2 blue jaw triggers a maroon and a yellow tang and these guys are a good size and my nits are zero.
i run a cup of carbon in my brs reactor monthly
a 7 inch filter sock and i hardly use my skimmer because its crappy
plus im fully stocked with corals.
and i have 100 lbs of live rock fully cured.
if you have questions u can pm me hope i can be of help.

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