- Location
- State College. PA

So these are the second generation clowns?
I don't know how you would quantify the generation. Its more like 1.5 generation.
This is the result of the back crossing the first generation black photon with its mother. I know it sounds incestuous, but fish breeders often do it to lock in strains etc. So these basically have 3/4 Onyx Perc blood and 1/4 black ocellaris. I just did it as an experiment, since the original father of the black photons died, and I wanted to see if the first generation black photons were fertile.
I gave some of these 1.5 generation ones to Jim, and he tells me that his have turned significantly black. I hope he posts pics so I can see what these are evolving into.
There should be bunch of original black photons floating around in MR since that was the only place I sold them, other than Live Aquaria. I am very curious to see if the original black photons have spawned for anyone. The pairs I held on to have not spawned yet for me.
Teddy, I have a tank with only LR and some coral, no fish, perfect breeding ground. LMK if you want to give it a shot. I would LOVE to try. I will put on some nice music, light some candles around the tank, play "Finding Nemo" for them, then give them some privacy...Hey Sanjay,
I have a first generation pair. Haven't seen them do the hokey pokey yet but they are maturing well. They even found a rock. Trying to get them to spawn. I'm going to transfer them over to a different tank with just LR and an anemone see if it will help at some point or sell them and have somebody else try lol.