muntai: Not close up shots, I meant allowing a greater depth of field but I think I figured it out. AV was only set at 9, I'm going to try raising it to 11-13.
crox99: here are few more acan shots + fish I currently own. Fish shots were a bit easier in flash mode, but I think I could've done better. I'm thinking of getting an external flash and also using a remote to take the shots.
Everything's looking good, colors are nice and well balanced as well. An awesome trick if your not already using it. Besides using a tripod, place the camera on a timer so that when you press the shutter button the initial movement does effect things. I have read that many lenses have a sweet spot i.e. an ideal aperture for sharpest focus with that said there might be a limitation on depth of field in sharp focus.
Shots like these make me what to go out and pickup a new canon