gtag('event', 'conversion', {'send_to': 'AW-972395556/RN4nCJnV4tkCEKSo1s8D'}); -->
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Audi Sport
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I whish my cousin was still going to Penn so I could've paid you a visit too.


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Old School Reefer
Far Rockaway
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182   0   0
I couldn't even find an appropriate smiley!!!!!!!!!!

Sanjay, please educate us a little! What equipment, and husbandry has this piece of the Ocean looking so phenomenal please? Or has God simply blessed you so?;)


Advanced Reefer
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18   0   0
I hate to sound like a teenager, but this is sick!!!

Ain't nothing but dedication will get that kind of a loving response from tank inhabitants for you (or me!).


Junior Member
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I couldn't even find an appropriate smiley!!!!!!!!!!

Sanjay, please educate us a little! What equipment, and husbandry has this piece of the Ocean looking so phenomenal please? Or has God simply blessed you so?;)

I have always believed in the keeping it simple approach. In spite of being an engineer and a technology geek to some extent, when it come to my aquariums I take the opposite approach. The simpler the better. I have learned not to fight the system, and enjoy and appreciate the colors that I get - rather than try to get the whole coral to color up in colors that only show up in macro pics. I put a lot of different frags early on, and then let natural selection take its course. The ones that like my system live on and prosper and others that don't move on to coral heaven. Of course all this has come from learning from 17 years of mistakes. ! This is the zen of reef keeping that most old reef keepers have achieved and the new comers fail to grasp :splitspin

The equipment is rather minimal - just using a protein skimmer, and Calcium Reactor, with carbon (ROX 0.8) and GFO (Warner Marine PhoSar HC or regular one from Bulk reef supply) in flow through filters.

Water changes more recently have been slacking off.. do about 60G once a month. I really should do water changes once every 2 weeks. Nothing solves problems with water quality like a good water change.

I do not use any other supplements. If I do need to top of the Ca and Mg I use Randy's recipe's. I don't know the last time I tested any levels. I can just tell now by looking at the tank that the alkalinity could be low, then I pull out the test kit to see by how much so I can adjust.

But I do like to feed the tank well. Use Pacifica Plankton, cyclopeeze, mysis shrimp and several ReefNutrition products (oyster eggs, arti pods, phytofeast etc). With occasional use of live blood worms - have to keep some of angels really healthy and fat, given that they have been spawning every day for several months now.

Clean the glass when a film of algae develops and it bothers me when I look at the tank.

Really, the tank runs itself and I don't have to do much with it.


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