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Nice shots seamaiden! The Napoleon wrasse looks like it was awesome, and congrats on finding the pygmy seahorses.

BTW, I think the critter you have labeled as nudibranch_1 and nudibranch_2 is actually a Synaptid cucumber.

- Todd


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Ah, thank you! Alas, those photos aren't exactly mine, those are Aragorn's efforts you behold. He says that, of all his dive vacations and photos, these are by far the best. Neither of us has even gone through the cards on all three cameras, let alone work on identification. Any or all help offered is MOST welcome!


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Oh wow, those are awesome! Looks like the diving in Bali is spectacular. I'm very impressed.

What kind of camera was Dave using? I've rented uw cameras from dive shops before, but they've always been basic point-n-shoots. Always wanted to find somewhere to rent me a super nice one.



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Fantastic shots!

Of course, I'm partial to that titan trigger shot... ;)




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Now you have to lay out the details...

Where exactly did you go? How did you get there (airline? thru where?)? How long did the transit take? How long did you spend there? Would you do it again? Ever feel threatened or uncomfortable? DETAILS! :)


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Oh my, my (said the spider to the fly)..

First things first - the camera was purchased specially for this trip after Dave discovered that his Canon Rebel would require a housing and flash unit (and housing for that) that would cost more than the camera itself, more than double if I recollect. So he did some searching and came upon the Olympus C-8080 with a U/W housing, flash unit, arm, and flash housing as a kit that would cost about what the Rebel did. We discussed it, and I felt quite comfortable going with another Oly. Even thought it's not a DSLR, at 8MP shooting in TIFF or RAW mode (both of which this camera uses, as well as being CF and xD capable) there would be little appreciable difference in use and results from a standard SLR. I LOVE this camera, it's the camera I used for the rest of the vacation shots. I find it SO much easier to use than the Canon, it's amazing. The Oly itself was just under $750, and I believe that the whole package was around $1600 (camera, flash, housings for both, and flash armature).

There were several Titan triggers in the area where we were diving, and they come in pretty close to shore (I saw them at depths easily less than five meters). On all dives and snorkeling we were almost stepping on lunare wrasses and undulated trigger babies. They swim into water only inches deep. Because the shores are pretty much volcanic rock and rubble, they are not exactly good sunning beaches, and difficult to walk through for beach dives.

We went exactly to a German resort called Tauch Terminal, in the village of Tulamben. It's on the north side of the island, so it takes a while to get there from Denpasar. I slept on the way in (we arrived at around 2am CST), and fell asleep on the way out, but I think the drive was around 2.5 hours , door to door. The reasons to dive this area are: not so many resorts, the U.S.S. Liberty wreck to the west, and the drop-off to the east. Amed is another popular (almost too popular) diving area, with many, many resorts available.

We flew China Air, but I'm hearing that this airline is a bit accident prone (haven't had a chance to check the veracity of this myself). Because it was China Air, we flew out of SFO into Taipei, and left August 23. We were diverted to Hong Kong on the way to Bali because of a typhoon, spent about six hours there. Great airport, but the sharkfin soup being a fast food offering was a bit disheartening and freaky. I still wish we'd gone ahead and spent the money on the duty free electronics, though, talk about cool gadgets! Total transit time was about 18 hours. We returned on September 4.

One thing of note for anyone considering a trip anywhere in Bali; do NOT bring $100 bills issued in 1996 - if you can find moneychangers who will accept them they'll try to give you less. It is very likely that you'll find moneychangers who won't accept them at all. Also, ALL money you take (don't bother with small notes at all, just change $20s & $100s for rupiahs) must be BLEMISH FREE. No marks, no stains, no tears, no visible wear at all, or again, they'll try to pay you less or may not accept them at all.

I never once felt threatened or uncomfortable with the Balinese, some of the German tourists were rather.. um.. chilly. :| I never met a Balinese/Indonesian national with whom I felt uncomfortable, and in fact found the rule to be quite the opposite. I believe that if you bother to learn a few words, and make "please" (mohon; said moe-HONE) and "thank you" (terima kasi; said teh-REE-mah kah-SEE) the words you use most, you'll always stand in good stead there. Hello is always known, and most everyone has a smile and a greeting for you. However, since we spent no time in Denpasar or Kuta I don't know if it's different in those larger city areas. I did notice that in towns and villages with lots of tourists the people were a bit more stand-offish, I wouldn't be surprised if they get tired of the pointing, the touching of heads, and gestures that are considered rude.

We spent our last day shopping in Ubud, near the Sacred Monkey Forest. I have never wanted anything to do with monkeys, and that still stands to this day. The shopping, however, is FANTASTIC. You must learn to bargain well, and learn first which establishments are fixed price and which are not. I am very good at bargaining. ;)

Dave and I are actually having some Balinese friends look around for property, as we intend to return. If it's to a home, or something more, it's definitely in the cards. I'm rather fixated on the areas of Tulamben and Kubu.


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wade":260favos said:
Ever feel threatened or uncomfortable? DETAILS! :)
Uncomfortable? Quite the contrary. As Marina can attest, we were quite literally treated like royalty. On our last night we came to the restaraunt to see a table adorned with a floral arrangement and a wonderful farewell note from the staff. Certainly something I never observed them do for other guests. And of course, my good friend Wayan invited us to his home for a traditional Balinese meal. Bali quite literally is paradise... 8)

If any of you are ever interested in a trip there, let us know. We'll hook you up with the right folks and you'll have a vacation you'll never forget. Just tell'em "Dave sent me"...:D


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Well.. I dunno about royalty, but I felt very welcome, and as though we were considered real friends. It did seem as though all the employees knew all our names.

During one ceremony, on the night of the true full moon (giving offerings and asking blessings of the god of the sea - sorry, can't even remember if I was told his/her name), one of the dive guides, Suker, very patiently and kindly explained to Cary and I everything that was happening, and why. The ceremony was held to help ensure safe diving. We saw many of the employees and other villagers there at ceremony, and we were welcomed by all. Suker even taught us how to take blessings and prayers. While that made us both feel special, what made an even bigger impact on both of us was being beckoned over from the sidelines, where we were trying to be as unobtrusive as possible, while the rest of the tourists were left on the sidelines. We spent easily an hour discussing religion and beliefs, coming away with a better understanding of our new friends.

I must also tell of Nengah (a very devout Hindu), who, on the one night dive I took, offered a prayer as we were descending.. very surreal looking over to see this man put his hands together and touch to his forehead for a few moments. But incredibly comforting as well. :)


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Great reviews, Marina and Dave! Thanks so much for sharing. Sounds like a place that's moving to my short list.

I'm going to get Teresa certified before next summer so we can dive on our honeymoon. She'll love it!

Bali sounds delightful!



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I'm trying to save up to visit a place in the Philipines next spring. I had been considering Bali, PNG, Micronesia as well and am trying to gather as much as I can about each.

Thanks for the review!!

Looks like Philipines will win out at this point though.... we'll have to compare pictures.



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::sigh:: ::drool::

I'm screwed with so many sinus problems, I could never get dive-certified--if I go underwater w/o my nose completely closed, water just pours into my whole head. :(

Sounds like a fantastic trip guys. Dave, how can I get Kelly into a branch of IT that pays more than $45K a year?!?! ;-)


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Uh.. the masks used for scuba must cover the nose or your face would be split like a grape cuz you couldn't reduce the squeeze on the mask. :| The biggest thing is that you need to be able to keep those Eustacian tubes clear - keep those open and you can equalize, though don't dive with a cold or anything like that. :)


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BTW, I'm still waiting for my network permissions to be reset so I can get more piccies up on the site. Hrm.


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Hey Marina & Dave,

Very kick butt photos guys/gals.

Here's a special dive mask with the photographer in mind. Notice the excellent lighting attached. :wink:



  • diver dan copy.jpg
    diver dan copy.jpg
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I am so starting to worry about you, my friend.

<sm considers a PhotoShop intervention and subsequent 12-step program>


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seamaiden":angwtxqn said:
I am so starting to worry about you, my friend.

<sm considers a PhotoShop intervention and subsequent 12-step program>

I'm deeply touched by your concern. I was curious though......does that 12 step program have anything to do with a dozen hot single horny mermaids? :wink:

<puts his PS tools away>



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seamaiden":1hpdfrwz said:
Uh.. the masks used for scuba must cover the nose or your face would be split like a grape cuz you couldn't reduce the squeeze on the mask. :| The biggest thing is that you need to be able to keep those Eustacian tubes clear - keep those open and you can equalize, though don't dive with a cold or anything like that. :)

Yeah, but isn't part of the training and certification being taken down to the bottom of the pool or whatever, yanking your mask off, and having to put it on and clear it?


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Yes, that is true, John. But if you are blowing out your nose like you're supposed to, this shouldn't be a problem.

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